
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

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    Gridded product for visualization of Water body chlorophyll-a in the Western part of Black Sea generated by DIVA 4.6.11 using all EMODNET Chemistry data from 2000 to 2014. Depth range (IODE standard depths): 0, -5, -10, –20m. DIVA settings: signal-to-noise ratio and correlation length were estimated using data mean distance as a minimum (for L), and both parameters vertically filtered. Background field: the data mean value is subtracted from the data. Detrending of data: no. Advection constraint applied: no. Analysis: logaritmic transformation. Every year of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year centred average for each season: - winter: December - February, - spring: March - May, - summer: June - August, - autumn: September - November Units: mg/m^3

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    Moving 10-years analysis of chlorophyll-a at Mediterranean Sea for each season : - winter (January-March), - spring (April-June), - summer (July-September), - autumn (October-December). Every year of the time dimension corresponds to the 10-year centered average of each season. Decades span from 1972-1981 until 2006-2015. Observational data span from 1911 to 2015. Depth range (IODE standard depths): -2500.0, -2000.0, -1750.0, -1500.0, -1400.0, -1300.0, -1200.0, -1100.0, -1000.0, -900.0, -800.0, -700.0, -600.0, -500.0, -400.0, -300.0, -250.0, -200.0, -150.0, -125.0, -100.0, -75.0, -50.0, -30.0, -20.0, -10.0, -5.0, -0.0. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODNet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: Geostatistical data analysis by DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) tool. Profiles were interpolated at standard depths using weighted parabolic interpolation algorithm (Reiniger and Ross, 1968). GEBCO 1min topography is used for the contouring preparation. Analyzed filed masked using relative error threshold 0.3 and 0.5. DIVA settings: A constant value for signal-to-noise ratio was used equal to 1. Correlation length was optimized and filtered vertically and a seasonally-averaged profile was used. Logarithmic transformation applied to the data prior to the analysis. Background field: the data mean value is subtracted from the data. Detrending of data: no. Advection constraint applied: no. Originators of Italian data sets-List of contributors: o Brunetti Fabio (OGS) o Cardin Vanessa, Bensi Manuel doi:10.6092/36728450-4296-4e6a-967d-d5b6da55f306 o Cardin Vanessa, Bensi Manuel, Ursella Laura, Siena Giuseppe doi:10.6092/f8e6d18e-f877-4aa5-a983-a03b06ccb987 o Cataletto Bruno (OGS) o Cinzia Comici Cinzia (OGS) o Civitarese Giuseppe (OGS) o DeVittor Cinzia (OGS) o Giani Michele (OGS) o Kovacevic Vedrana (OGS) o Mosetti Renzo (OGS) o Solidoro C.,Beran A.,Cataletto B.,Celussi M.,Cibic T.,Comici C.,Del Negro P.,De Vittor C.,Minocci M.,Monti M.,Fabbro C.,Falconi C.,Franzo A.,Libralato S.,Lipizer M.,Negussanti J.S.,Russel H.,Valli G., doi:10.6092/e5518899-b914-43b0-8139-023718aa63f5 o Celio Massimo (ARPA FVG) o Malaguti Antonella (ENEA) o Fonda Umani Serena (UNITS) o Bignami Francesco (ISAC/CNR) o Boldrini Alfredo (ISMAR/CNR) o Marini Mauro (ISMAR/CNR) o Miserocchi Stefano (ISMAR/CNR) o Zaccone Renata (IAMC/CNR) o Lavezza, R., Dubroca, L. F. C., Ludicone, D., Kress, N., Herut, B., Civitarese, G., Cruzado, A., Lefèvre, D., Souvermezoglou, E., Yilmaz, A., Tugrul, S., and Ribera d'Alcala, M.: Compilation of quality controlled nutrient profiles from the Mediterranean Sea, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.771907, 2011. Units: mg/m^3

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification and contaminants. The chemicals chosen reflect importance to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This regional aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on contaminants (48 parameters), and covers the Black Sea with 21504 CDI records divided per matrices: 7 biota profiles, 19677 water profiles, 1820 sediment profiles. Vertical profiles temporal range is from 1974-08-24 to 2017-10-06. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by ‘National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa"’ from Romania. Regional datasets concerning contaminants are automatically harvested. Parameter names in these datasets are based on P01, BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary, which is available at: . Each measurement value has a quality flag indicator. The resulting data collections for each Sea Basin are harmonised, and the collections are quality controlled by EMODnet Chemistry Regional Leaders using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all Sea Regions. Harmonisation means that: (1) unit conversion is carried out to express contaminant concentrations with a limited set of measurement units (according to EU directives 2013/39/UE; Comm. Dec. EU 2017/848) and (2) merging of variables described by different “local names”, but corresponding exactly to the same concepts in BODC P01 vocabulary. The harmonised dataset can be downloaded as ODV spreadsheet (TXT file), which is composed of metadata header followed by tab separated values. This worksheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (More information can be found at: ). The same dataset is offered also as XLSX file in a long/vertical format, in which each P01 measurement is a record line. Additionally, there are a series of columns that split P01 terms in subcomponents (measure, substance, CAS number, matrix...).This transposed format is more adapted to worksheet applications users (e.g. LibreOffice Calc). The 48 parameter names in this metadata record are based on P02, SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary, which is available at: . Detailed documentation will be published soon. The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Download Service:

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification and contaminants. The chemicals chosen reflect importance to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This regional aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on contaminants (49 parameters), and covers the Baltic Sea with 3818 CDI records divided per matrices: 1358 biota (396 Vertical profiles and 962 Time series),906 water profiles, 2510 sediment profiles. Vertical profiles temporal range is from 1985-04-16 to 2016-09-27. Time series temporal range is from 1972-05-02 to 2017-10-30. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by ‘Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)’ from Sweden. Regional datasets concerning contaminants are automatically harvested. Parameter names in these datasets are based on P01, BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary, which is available at: . Each measurement value has a quality flag indicator. The resulting data collections for each Sea Basin are harmonised, and the collections are quality controlled by EMODnet Chemistry Regional Leaders using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all Sea Regions. Harmonisation means that: (1) unit conversion is carried out to express contaminant concentrations with a limited set of measurement units (according to EU directives 2013/39/UE; Comm. Dec. EU 2017/848) and (2) merging of variables described by different “local names” ,but corresponding exactly to the same concepts in BODC P01 vocabulary. The harmonised dataset can be downloaded as ODV spreadsheet (TXT file), which is composed of metadata header followed by tab separated values. This worksheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (More information can be found at: ). The same dataset is offered also as XLSX file in a long/vertical format, in which each P01 measurement is a record line. Additionally, there are a series of columns that split P01 terms in subcomponents (measure, substance, CAS number, matrix...).This transposed format is more adapted to worksheet applications users (e.g. LibreOffice Calc). The 49 parameter names in this metadata record are based on P02, SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary, which is available at: . Detailed documentation will be published soon. The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Download Service:

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification and contaminants. The chemicals chosen reflect importance to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This regional aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on contaminants (20 parameters), and covers the North East Atlantic Ocean with 2400 CDI records divided per matrices: 122 in biota (as time series), 1689 in water (as vertical profiles), 589 in sediment (478 Vertical profiles and 111 Time series). Vertical profiles temporal range is from 1970-07-29 to 2017-02-28. Time series temporal range is from 1979-02-28 to 2014-10-21. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by ‘IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA’ from France. Regional datasets concerning contaminants are automatically harvested. Parameter names in these datasets are based on P01, BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary, which is available at: . Each measurement value has a quality flag indicator. The resulting data collections for each Sea Basin are harmonised, and the collections are quality controlled by EMODnet Chemistry Regional Leaders using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all Sea Regions. Harmonisation means that: (1) unit conversion is carried out to express contaminant concentrations with a limited set of measurement units (according to EU directives 2013/39/UE; Comm. Dec. EU 2017/848) and (2) merging of variables described by different “local names” ,but corresponding exactly to the same concepts in BODC P01 vocabulary. The harmonised dataset can be downloaded as ODV spreadsheet (TXT file), which is composed of metadata header followed by tab separated values. This worksheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (More information can be found at: ). The same dataset is offered also as XLSX file in a long/vertical format, in which each P01 measurement is a record line. Additionally, there are a series of columns that split P01 terms in subcomponents (measure, substance, CAS number, matrix...).This transposed format is more adapted to worksheet applications users (e.g. LibreOffice Calc). The 20 parameter names in this metadata record are based on P02, SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary, which is available at: . Detailed documentation will be published soon. The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Download Service:

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification and contaminants. The chemicals chosen reflect importance to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This regional aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on contaminants (59 parameters), and covers the North Sea with 34978 CDI records divided per matrices: 3909 biota time series, 28071 water profiles, 2998 sediment profiles. Vertical profiles temporal range is from 1970-02-17 to 2017-10-26. Time series temporal range is from 1979-02-26 to 2017-02-28. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by ‘Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde from Denmark. Regional datasets concerning contaminants are automatically harvested. Parameter names in these datasets are based on P01, BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary, which is available at: . Each measurement value has a quality flag indicator. The resulting data collections for each Sea Basin are harmonised, and the collections are quality controlled by EMODnet Chemistry Regional Leaders using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all Sea Regions. Harmonisation means that: (1) unit conversion is carried out to express contaminant concentrations with a limited set of measurement units (according to EU directives 2013/39/UE; Comm. Dec. EU 2017/848) and (2) merging of variables described by different “local names” ,but corresponding exactly to the same concepts in BODC P01 vocabulary. The harmonised dataset can be downloaded as ODV spreadsheet (TXT file), which is composed of metadata header followed by tab separated values. This worksheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (More information can be found at: ). The same dataset is offered also as XLSX file in a long/vertical format, in which each P01 measurement is a record line. Additionally, there are a series of columns that split P01 terms in subcomponents (measure, substance, CAS number, matrix...).This transposed format is more adapted to worksheet applications users (e.g. LibreOffice Calc). The 59 parameter names in this metadata record are based on P02, SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary, which is available at: . Detailed documentation will be published soon. The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Download Service:

  • For the 21 years of the study, an examination of trends in chlorophyll concentration revealed a general decline throughout the Gulf over the production period. These trends, extracted from dynamic linear model, also allowed this decline to be quantified. Expressed as a percentage, a large part of the area below the 50 m bathymetric line showed a decrease of at least 10% over the period, corresponding to a value of at least 0.1 µg.l-1. However, the spatial distribution reveals some more local phenomena. In southern Brittany, from Quimper to Vannes, a particular feature appears, with an upward trend over several kilometres along the coast, followed by a pronounced gradient along the coast. This gradient includes a zone where a continuous monotonic increasing trend is observed, then a zone where the trend becomes not significant and finally, about 15 km from the coast, a new zone where a significant continuous monotonic decreasing trend is observed. The increase in chlorophyll a concentration in the very coastal part is greater than 0.1 µg.l-1 over the period. Another peculiarity concerns the central part, located at the edge of the plateau at Cap Ferrat and Pente Aquitaine, where an increase in chlorophyll a was observed, but the variations remained small, being less than 0.1 µg.l-1. About a hundred kilometres south-west of Saint Nazaire, an area of about 40 by 50 km shows a decrease in chlorophyll a of more than 20%, quantified as more than 0.1 µg.l-1 over the period. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • The measurements of SPM, particulate TN, TC, Fe, Mn, Al and chlorophyll a, as well as light absorption at 750 nm and 380 nm were done within Estonia-Latvia transboundary project "Towards joint management of the transboundary Gauja/Koiva river basin district" for harmonization of water quality classification system for transboundary water bodies in the Gauja/Koiva river basin district and adjacent areas (in Estonia) in the Gulf of Riga." Measurements were done once in August 2012 along with underwater video observation, water transparency and CTD measurements in coastal waters in shallow part (2 - 12m) of the East coast of the Gulf of Riga. Data were used for Final report on assessment of the quality status of the transboundary water bodies (coastal, lakes, rivers) in Gauja/Koiva river basin district (2013. Kalvane I. and Veidemane K. (eds.))

  • As part of the second mission of the (GOCART)-[] (Gauging Ocean organic Carbon fluxes using Autonomous Robotic Technologies) project, funded by the European Research Council, a Slocum glider (unit-405, Doombar) spent about 4 months surveying the top 1000m of a low oxygen region of the Northern Benguela Upwelling region, off the coast of Namibia. The goal of the mission was to characterize the temporal variability in organic carbon flux and remineralisation depth during the spring bloom in a highly productive but low oxygen region in the Benguela Current, off the Namibian coast. The glider was a Teledyne Webb Research (Slocum)-[] G2, equipped with: Seabird Glider Payload CTD (pumped), measuring temperature, conductivity and pressure Sea-Bird WETLabs ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-SLC scattering fluorescence sensor, measuring chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscattering at 700 and 532nm Aanderaa 4831 oxygen optode, measuring dissolved oxygen concentration. The glider was deployed at 11.225°E, 19.331°S on 14th February 2018 from the RV Mirabilis, the vessel of the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries, during the second leg of the 2018 Hake Survey off the northern Namibian shelf and recovered on June 19th, 2018 during the (DY090 cruise)-[] on board RSS Discovery, during the COMICS cruise (Controls over Oceanic Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage), funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council. The latter cruise was in the vicinity of the glider from 1st-19th June, 2018. To validate/calibrate the glider sensors, we conducted several targeted casts (where gliders and ships started profiles simultaneously) and non-targeted casts (unplanned matchups where gliders and ships CTD-profiles were within an acceptable range of each other). Bottle samples were collected on all ship CTD profiles. For calibration purposes, we evaluated and determined that casts within 5 km and 12 hours of each other were considered glider ship matchups. These matchups exhibited strong correlation (linear regression r^2 = 0.95).Variables calibrated were salinity, chlorophyll concentration and oxygen concentration. Doombar’s mission was slightly modified 3 times during the 4-month deployment: 1 – Sampling around a 12 km triangle at BN0 (centred at 10.80°E, 18.25°S) from 19/02/2018-27/03/2018: Once the glider reached the site (BN0), it was tasked to survey a triangle with 12 km side, centred at that location. The location of the triangle was chosen based on low currents to help constrain advective processes and the predominantly westward surface currents in the region . The 12km sided triangle was chosen based on the time it took the glider to do a complete circuit, aiming for the glider to take around 1.5 days around the triangle. 2 – Sampling around a 12 km triangle at BN (centred at 10.95°E, 18.05°S) from 27/03/2018-08/06/2018: Given that the mission was to survey a low oxygen region, and oxygen concentrations monitored by the glider weren’t consistently low, on March 26th the glider was re-tasked to establish a new triangle (BN) centred at 10.95°E, 18.05°S, Northeast of the initial sampling site, where lower oxygen concentrations were expected. 3 – Station-keeping (“virtual-mooring”) 1.5km North of BN from 08/06/2018-19/06/2018: Throughout its deployment, Doombar gradually reduced its forward speed from about 4km per 1000m dive to about 1.5km. This meant that the glider could no longer cover the triangle in less than 2 days. So, while the ship was in the vicinity, Doombar was assigned a station keeping mission 1.5 km from the cruise main station, to not only avoid the risk of hitting the glider, but also so that any ship data could contribute to validating glider sensor data. Further information on sensor validation can be found in the netcdf file as well as documented in (Lovecchio et al, 2022)-[]. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • Two quality controlled datasets here archived were collected during the oceanographic cruise MEIO that held in October-November 2022 over the South Western Indian Ocean, onboard S.A. Agulhas II. The first dataset is composed of continuous vertical profiles of the 12 oceanographic stations. The profiles have a resolution of 1dbar. The parameters reported in this data set are: pressure (in dbar), in-situ temperature (in °C), practical salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration (in µmol/kg), fluorescence of calibrated chlorophyll-a fluorescence (in µg/L), nitrate concentration (in µmol/kg) and particle attenuation @660nm (in 1/m). The second dataset is composed of discrete samples collected during the 12 stations. The parameters are the sensors measurements of every samples, dissolved oxygen concentration measured by the Winkler method (in µmol/kg), practical salinity measured by Autosal, concentration of silicate (in µmol/kg), concentration of phosphate (in µmol/kg) , concentration of nitrite (in µmol/kg), concentration of nitrate (in µmol/kg), concentration of pigments (processed by HPLC). These datasets aim to contribute to the extension of the One-Argo programme in the southwestern area of the Indian Ocean through the deployment of a significant number of floats; and to collect reference measurements through a multi-instrumented CTD rosette, allowing in particular to calibrate the robots’ sensors, just before their deployment. The two datasets were collected in concomitancy with the deployment of 29 One-Argo floats (WMO numbers : 5906536, 6903149, 4902620, 6903088, 6903148, 6990505, 5906970, 7901013, 4902626, 6903150, 5906972, 6903031, 5906540, 5906969, 4902623, 6990503, 3902471, 5906539, 6990504, 1902572, 5906537, 4902628, 7901003, 3902472, 6903033, 5906538, 1902573, 6903084, 5906971). Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.