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    Biomass and abundance of western Baltic Sea benthic meio and macrofauna (all fauna >6 um sieve). Individual measures of body size, from Bornholm to Lulea. Only from Swedish and Danish waters.

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    During 8 years (before, during and after the storm-surge barrier) phytoplankton was measured at two stations in the Oosterschelde (inner harbour and the estuary, the Netherlands) by Kees Bakker.

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    Database from paleo-climate studies from the global ocean.

  • The dataset indicates the location for line fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2), and data type.

  • The GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) maintains and makes available a digital gazetteer of the names, generic feature type and geographic position of features on the seafloor. The gazetteer is available to view and download via a web map application, hosted by the International Hydrographic Organization Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (IHO DCDB) co-located with the US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). This data set has been used as one of the data inputs in the Atlantic REMP project. This project, funded by the European Union, worked together with stakeholders to produce a draft Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area in the North Atlantic, with a focus on the polymetallic sulphide deposits of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which are of interest for deep-sea mining. There was close collaboration with the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and a consortium of scientific organisations. Marine data from multiple data services underpinned the environmental management plan development. A selection of the data sets is included in EMODnet Ingestion for wider distribution.

  • Inorganic carbon and alkalinity measured during the (Amandes 1)-[] cruises in October 2007. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

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    Under a specific contract for the EUSeaMap project (ABPMer, 2010), energy layers were produced for the North and Celtic seas. Energy layers are built using data from National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) wave (ProWAM at a resolution of 12.5km) and current models (the CS20, CS3 and NEA models at resolutions of 1.8km, 10km and 35km respectively). A high resolution (~300m) bespoke wave model based on the DHI Spectral Wave model was used to augment the coastal areas where the ProWAM model resolution was inadequate. Wave and current data were combined to produce the input energy layer for the EUSeaMap model. Wave data (wave base derived from peak wave periods) were also used to define the boundary between the circalittoral and deep circalittoral biological zones.The kinetic energy due to wave action at the seabed has been expressed here as KE = › ?wUwp2, where Uwpis the peak value of water particle velocity on the seabed during the passage of the wave. The value of Uwphas been predicted using linear wave theory.A series of some 24 bespoke wave models which cover the full extent of the UK coastline, including Northern Europe and Ireland have been constructed using MIKE21-SW to support production of the KE outputs. Wave height exceedance probabilities were calculated based on the average 5-years of ProWAM data for years 2000 to 2005, these wave parameters were used to calibrate the local wave models and provide information in the open coastal sections of the data layer's extent.

  • The Shortlist Ecological Monitoring Wind Farms at Sea project is a one-year research program in which a number of urgent knowledge gaps are filled. For example, research is being conducted into the impact of pile driving on marine mammals and the distribution, foraging and migration patterns of seabirds are being mapped. This information is relevant for the construction of offshore wind farms. The Shortlist for Ecological Monitoring of offshore wind farms, in short Shortlist, is the result of the "Master Plan for Ecological Monitoring of offshore wind farms", a joint initiative of the ministries of IenM and EZ. The aim of the Shortlist research program is to acquire additional knowledge about the effects of offshore wind farms. This knowledge is necessary for, among other things, the granting of permits. Research institutes TNO and IMARES are conducting the Shortlist studies, in collaboration with SeaMarco and Bureau Waardenburg, among others (quote from source:

  • Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll data collected during cruise 47 ('Pastouzo' cruise) of the R/V T.G. Thompson in Saronikos Gulf in March 1970 in the frame of the U.S. project 'Dynamics of Biological Production in Upwelling Ecosystems'

  • Data used in the Paper cited. It includes CTD data in .mat format from the Moc-Austral (2010) and ALBATROSS (1999) cruises.