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Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

198 record(s)
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    This dataset provides information on the meiofaunal communities from two different mud volcanoes (Amsterdam and Napoli) in the eastern Mediterranean. The data describe the meiobenthic communities from different microhabitats in terms of abundance, biomass and species diversity with a special focus on nematodes. The samples have been collected during the EU project HERMES (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas) on board the R/V ‘Pourquoi pas ?’ (MEDECO cruise, Nov 2007) and their analysis has been completed during the EU project HERMIONE (Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas).

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    Meiofaunal communities from the bathyal ecosystem of the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). The dataset contains data on the community structure of nematodes from 7 stations (depth range 153 to 1772 m) which were sampled twice (September 1997 and March 1

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    This dataset contains occurrence records of subtidal polychaetes (Annelida) from two midlittoral rocky shore sampling sites in northern Crete (Greece).

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    This is the dataset from the sampling that was conducted within the framework of the European Community MATER program (Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Response). At September 1997, six stations were sampled in the southern (depth 900 - 2200 m) and seven in the northern Aegean Sea (depth 100 - 1200 m).

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    This is a historical dataset that was published in 1939 by Chas.H. O’Donoghue, D.Sc. - Dora de Watteville,M.A and concerns the collection of es of Bryozoa collected during the floristical and faunistical survey of Adolf Steuer on the coasts near Alexandria mainly with the vessel “El Hoot”. The digitization of this dataset was done by LifewatchGreece team.Dates have been reported via the stations which have been digitized on the preliminary report(

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    Presence records of 445 species, based on a literature study covering 150 years. Presence is indicated in several Mediterranean Sea areas, as well as the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean.

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    The nematode community structure from Malia Bay (north Crete, Aegean Sea) was investigated in order to provide a baseline for the benthic environment prior to the initiation of a domestic sewage outfall into the Bay.

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    Samples were collected in order to study the nematode communities from the eulittoral zone of a sandy beach on Crete (Greece, eastern Mediterranean) in relation to the physical parameters of the sediment and the degree of exposure to wave action.

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    The present historical paper deals with the pelagic Polychaetes except the Tomopterids collected on the cruises of the "Thor", 1908-1910 in the Mediterannenan and adjacent waters.

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    This dataset is based on the paper entitled “Calcareous Algae. Report on the Danish Oceanographical Expeditions 1908-10 to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas” published by Lemoine (1915). It comprises of 59 records of Rhodophyta (Corallinales and Peyssonneliales) collected during the 1908-9 and 1910 expeditions of Thor vessel from a wide geographical (from the Aegean Sea to the eastern Atlantic Ocean) and bathymetric range (3-98 m).