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    Carnama is a mapping program of mangroves habitats in french ultramarine territories directed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). The first version was made in 2020 and updates were made in 2023 with several modifications about fields components for example. This map of mangroves habitats concern the four islands in Caribbean sea (Martinica, Guadeloupe, St-Martin, St-Barthelemy), Guyana department, New-Caledonia, Wallis, French polynesia, Mayotte and eparse islands.

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    This map of marine biocenoses of St-Florent bay, Natura 2000 site FR9400570 (South of Corsica) was made in 2020 by Seaviews. St-Florent bay is include in national marine park « Cap Corse and Agriate ». The typology used is EUNIS 2022.

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    This is a map of marine natural french park of « Golfe du Lion » in Mediterranean sea, made during a mapping program call Cartham. The aim of Cartham was to map all the marine protected areas between 2010 and 2012, to produce data, redact documents to manage these areas (DOCOB), and support european politicals on marine ecosystem. The typology used is habitats Directive Annex I Habitats.

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    This is a map of marine natural french park of « Golfe du Lion » in Mediterranean sea, made during a mapping program call Cartham. The aim of Cartham was to map all the marine protected areas between 2010 and 2012, to produce data, redact documents to manage these areas (DOCOB), and support european politicals on marine ecosystem. The typology used is EUNIS 2022.

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    This is a map of marine natural national french park « Calanques » and also a Natura 2000 site FR9301602 in Mediterranean sea, realized during a mapping program call Cartham by GIS Posidonie. The aim of Cartham was to map all the marine protected areas between 2010 and 2012, to produce data, redact documents to manage these areas (DOCOB), and support european politicals on marine ecosystem. The typology used is EUNIS 2022.

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    This is a map of marine natural national french park « Calanques » and also a Natura 2000 site FR9301602 in Mediterranean sea, realized during a mapping program call Cartham by GIS Posidonie. The aim of Cartham was to map all the marine protected areas between 2010 and 2012, to produce data, redact documents to manage these areas (DOCOB), and support european politicals on marine ecosystem. The typology used is Habitats Directive Annex I Habitats.

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    The Allen Coral Atlas maps the world’s coral reefs and monitors their threats to provide actionable data and a shared understanding of coastal ecosystems. With global habitat maps, a bleaching monitoring system, turbidity detection, and the entire suite of Allen Coral Atlas data features created to support informed management of your reefs.