
Habitat extent

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  • Geological features of seabed habitats extracted from an extant layer of the official cartography of the MPA

  • The Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS) was commissioned by Forewind Ltd to carry out a Phase 1 biotope survey of the intertidal zone located between the towns of Redcar and Marske-by-the-Sea, Tees estuary, Teesside. This area has been identified as a preferred landfall location for export cables, with the ultimate aim of connecting offshore wind farms off the Teesside coastline to the National Grid. The intertidal survey was completed as part of the development of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) required from Forewind Ltd to continue with the proposal to use this area as a landfall site.

  • Lewis Wave Power Ltd. (LWP) (a wholly owned subsidiary of Aquamarine Power Ltd.) was seeking to develop a wave energy demonstration array off the west coast of the Isle of Lewis. As a first stage of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project, LWP commissioned Royal Haskoning Ltd. to produce an Environmental Scoping Report (Lewis Wave Power Ltd., 2011) to facilitate the identification and assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with the project. The survey reported on here formed this field-based benthic component. Its purpose was to provide site-specific benthic data to inform an assessment of impact of the proposed development. The key objectives were to: Determine the distribution and abundance of marine habitats and communities within the study areas; Determine the substrate type at all locations sampled and Identify habitats or species of conservation importance.

  • The purpose of measuring jelly plankton in the marine environment is primarily to detect changes in the marine food web. The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Gothenburg University. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Information about the program and the methods are available in Swedish at the website of Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management,

  • The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Information about the program and the methods are available in Swedish at the website of Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management,

  • The dataset contains circalitoral habita types in the Slovenian coastal area. It contains the description of habitat types, EUNIS codes, areas of the habitat and the key species described.

  • Combined use of optical (satellite imagery), and acoustic (sidescan sonar) remote sensing techniques, as well as in situ methodologies (visual census; SCUBA diving, Towed Underwater Cameras, and Remotely Operated Vehicles) was employed to map the spatial distribution of seagrass habitats in the coastal waters of the Hellenic territory. Seagrass meadows were recorded at approximately 70% of the Hellenic coastline (Eastern Ionian, Aegean and Levantine Seas), and their surface area exceeded 2,673.1 km2. Posidonia oceanica is -by far- the dominant seagrass species of the Hellenic seas, covering the vast majority of seabed at depths between the shoreline and 25 – 30 m (or deeper in insular areas), followed by the species Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera noltei, and Halophila stipulacea, which, however, presenting local presence and limited areal extent. Habitat suitability in terms of the seabed spatial extent that is available for the growth of seagrass meadows (i.e., the spatial extent of coastal areas between the shoreline and the isobath of 20m) and the seawater clarity conditions are highlighted as the critical factors for the formation of well-structured and extensive meadows. The results of this study are of great importance and usefulness for the effective management and conservation of valuable marine ecosystems. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • Antipatharia are a diverse group of corals with many species found in deep water. Many Antipatharia are habitat for associates, have extreme longevity and some species can occur beyond 8500 m depth. As they are major constituents of 'coral gardens', which are Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs), knowledge of their distribution and environmental requirements is an important pre-requisite for informed conservation planning particularly where the expense and difficulty of deep-sea sampling prohibits comprehensive surveys. This study uses a global database of Antipatharia distribution data to perform habitat suitability modelling using the Maxent methodology to estimate the global extent of black coral habitat suitability. The model of habitat suitability is driven by temperature but there is notable influence from other variables of topography, surface productivity and oxygen levels. This data set has been used as one of the data inputs in the Atlantic REMP project. This project, funded by the European Union, worked together with stakeholders to produce a draft Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area in the North Atlantic, with a focus on the polymetallic sulphide deposits of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which are of interest for deep-sea mining. There was close collaboration with the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and a consortium of scientific organisations. Marine data from multiple data services underpinned the environmental management plan development. A selection of the data sets is included in EMODnet Ingestion for wider distribution.

  • This dataset consists of global raster maps indicating the habitat suitability for 7 suborders of cold water octocorals (Octocorallia found deeper than 50m). Maps present a relative habitat suitability index ranging from 0 (unsuitable) to 100 (highly suitable). This data set has been used as one of the data inputs in the Atlantic REMP project. This project, funded by the European Union, worked together with stakeholders to produce a draft Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area in the North Atlantic, with a focus on the polymetallic sulphide deposits of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which are of interest for deep-sea mining. There was close collaboration with the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and a consortium of scientific organisations. Marine data from multiple data services underpinned the environmental management plan development. A selection of the data sets is included in EMODnet Ingestion for wider distribution.

  • This dataset consists of global raster maps indicating the habitat suitability for 7 suborders of cold water octocorals (Octocorallia found deeper than 50m). Maps present a relative habitat suitability index ranging from 0 (unsuitable) to 100 (highly suitable). This data set has been used as one of the data inputs in the Atlantic REMP project. This project, funded by the European Union, worked together with stakeholders to produce a draft Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area in the North Atlantic, with a focus on the polymetallic sulphide deposits of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which are of interest for deep-sea mining. There was close collaboration with the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and a consortium of scientific organisations. Marine data from multiple data services underpinned the environmental management plan development. A selection of the data sets is included in EMODnet Ingestion for wider distribution.