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EMODnet Chemistry litter data maps - First release!

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These initial maps were produced with data from more than 150 beaches, 5,500 seafloor trawling hauls and a few micro-plastics surveys.

The maps are the result of many months of hard preparatory work to gather, aggregate and harmonise marine litter data scattered over Europe. This could only be achieved through close collaboration with many data providers and experts from among others OSPAR, HELCOM, EEA, DeFishGear, MEDITS and with assistance from the MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter and JRC.

Figure 1. EMODnet seafloor litter categories. ©EMODnet

Figure 2. EMODnet Chemistry litter data map. ©EMODnet

More complete maps will be available soon, including beach litter data made available by Member States in the framework of Marine Litter Baselines work undertaken by JRC. Stay tuned!

The first marine litter maps and additional information are available here:
