EMODnet resources for Mediterranean Sea-basin Stakeholders
The EMODnet Central Portal and thematic sub portals already provide a wealth of data and products that are relevant for users and stakeholders beyond the EU. This section provides an overview of relevant EMODnet resources covering Mediterranean sea-basin.
More information about EMODnet Mediterranean resources
EMODnet Bathymetry
Bathymetric data for the whole of Europe, including the Mediterranean sea-basin, are accessible for download through the EMODnet Bathymetry CDI Discovery and Access Service.
More information about EMODnet Bathymetry

EMODnet Seabed Habitats
EMODnet Seabed Habitats offers very detailed probability maps on the occurrence and distribution of Posidonia oceanica species, and maerl and coralligenous habitats.
More information about Seabed Habitats
EMODnet Physics Data portal
EMODnet Physics provides access to physical data from a global set of platforms in near-real time, for the past 60 days as well as archived data.
More information about EMODnet Physics
It also provides a number of data products building on data from these platforms. Users can access all available data from platforms in the Mediterranean Sea using the map viewer and selecting the Mediterranean sea-basin subset.
EMODnet Chemistry
Datasets on contamination, eutrophication and marine litter are offered through EMODnet Chemistry. Two search engines (CDI Data Discovery and Access Service – an extended and quick one) guide you through your search, and allow you filtering thousands of datasets until you find the one you need.
More information about EMODnet Chemistry
In addition, EMODnet Chemistry’s OceanBrowser map viewer presents unique data products based on the data, categorised per sea-basin and available for download.

EMODnet Biology
EMODnet Biology offers the Data Download Toolbox, allowing users to filter the database according to their needs. One option is to filter the datasets based on geographical area.
More information about EMODnet Biology

EMODnet Central Catalogue
Besides offering a single gateway to all thematic Data Portals, the Central Portal contains a data and data product Catalogue providing an overview of the majority of the data and data products (and associated metadata) available across all Data Portals.
More information about EMODnet Central Portal
By making use of the search bar, the user can find back a list of datasets and data products with relevance to the Mediterranean sea-basin.

EMODnet Mediterranean Checkpoint
The EMODnet MedSea Checkpoint is a Mediterranean Sea wide monitoring system assessment activity aiming to support the sustainable Blue Growth at the scale of the European Sea-Basins, by assessing the adequacy of existing monitoring systems and data mechanisms at sea-basin level.
More information about EMODnet Mediterranean Checkpoint
Through so-called stress tests, it is assessed how well available marine data meet the needs of users or what else should be needed, at the scale of the EU seas and through the prism of downstream use cases called societal challenges (seven in the case of the Mediterranean Sea Checkpoint).
The findings and products of the project are delivered through different interfaces – the web portal where literature surveys and various sorts of reports are listed and available for download; and the Sextant Catalogue service where all data products and their metadata related to the Mediterranean Sea challenges are listed (these products are also available on the webpage of each challenge).
Observation and data resources from Horizon 2020 Projects with Mediterranean Sea coverage
EMODnet partners also participate in, and/or support, a range of European projects and initaitives aimed at improving marine observation activities and data collection, management and access to ensure collected observations/data are share and available openly to wide range of stakeholders from science, public sector, industry and civil society. Below are relevant project and associated resources with an Mediterranean remit.
More information about relevant projects with resources for Mediterranean users and stakeholders
- ODYSSEA: Operating a network of integrated observatory systems in the Mediterranean Sea
ODYSSEA will develop, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone. It will improve accessibility to existing data as well as increase the temporal and geographic coverage of observational data in the Mediterranean.
More information about ODYSSEA.
- BLUEMED: Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities in the Mediterranean
BLUEMED is the research and innovation Initiative for promoting the blue economy in the Mediterranean Basin through cooperation. It is the strategy of reference for the Mediterranean countries to work together for a healthy, safe and productive Mediterranean Sea. The BLUEMED Initiative will contribute to the creation of new ‘blue’ jobs, social well-being and a sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors through the implementation of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, the BLUEMED SRIA.
More information about BLUEMED.
Other resources
- EU Open Data Portal, Catches in the Mediterranean
- European Environment Agency, Mediterranean database
- Mediterranean Water Data
- ADRIPLAN Data Portal
- Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
- BioFresh Projects, Global Mediterranean Macroinvertebrate Database
- General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). Scientific Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) through the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM).
- EUMETNET, Observations – E-SURFMAR