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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet Secretariat

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is supported by a dedicated Secretariat funded by the European Commission. The Secretariat provides high-level coordination and technical support to guide the development of the EMODnet Central Portal, monitor the various EMODnet projects and disseminate their results. The main aim is to develop a more coherent, effective, efficient and fit for purpose EMODnet, and to stimulate its use by industry, policy and scientific data users. 

Since 2013, the EMODnet Secretariat is administered by Seascape for EC DG MARE and hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) at the InnovOcean site in Oostende with the support from the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) of the Flemish Government, Kingdom of Belgium. Currently, the EMODnet core Secretariat team of Kate Larkin (Head of the Secretariat), Conor Delaney (Technical Coordinator), Tim Collart (Marine Data Analyst & GIS Support Officer), Nathalie Tonné (Project Manager), Nathalie Van Isacker (Project Officer), Angelika Karampourouni (Communication & Partnership Relations Officer), Pieter Torrez (Science and Communications Officer) and Megan Tijssens (Junior Science Officer). Jan-Bart Calewaert (former Head of the Secretariat from September 2013 until March 2023) takes up the role of EMODnet senior advisor, providing guidance on global ocean data partnerships and the EMODnet vision 2030 strategy. Additional Seascape Belgium staff provide remote support for specific tasks where needed. Since September 2018, the core secretariat staff from Seascape Belgium are also supported by three other organisations: Trust-IT for communication and webdesign, the European Marine Board to support European Ocean Observing activities and Stakeholder interactions, and Bilbomática for technical and developments support for the EMODnet Central Portal and European Atlas of the Seas.   

The EMODnet Secretariat reports to the European Commission DG MARE and the Marine Knowledge Expert Group. It maintains an open exchange of information with all partners involved and informs the wider community with regular progress reports and updates on the Maritime Forum and the EMODnet central portal as well as through social media.

Main tasks of the Secretariat

  • Strenghten the coherence between EMODnet portals and activities
  • Support the governance of EMODnet 
  • Monitor portal usage and overall progress
  • Support communication, dissemination of information and outreach
  • Collect feedback from EMODnet users
  • Support the development of a European Ocean Observing System (EOOS)
  • Maintain and further develop the European Atlas of the Seas

Inauguration of the EMODnet Secretariat Office

The office of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Secretariat was formally inaugurated  at the InnovOcean site in Oostende (Belgium) on Wednesday 19 February  2014. At the InnovOcean site, the EMODnet Secretariat is co-located with other influential organisations including Flanders Marine Institute, the European Marine Board and the IODE project office for IOC/UNESCO. Go to the Inauguration Page.