EMODnet Chemistry has interacted with the stakeholders involved in the Regional Seas Conventions and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) since its launch in 2009. In 2017, EMODnet Chemistry formalised this outreach activity with the establishment of the Board of experts on the MSFD. The role of the panel is to advise the consortium on the scope and definition of products and services from the perspective of the MSFD. Decisions, such as the choice of parameters, spatial and temporal resolution of the data products, take the feedback of this panel into account. Consultation with the experts enables the partnership to harmonise and refine any new development with the requirements of the MSFD for descriptors D5 (eutrophication), D8 (contaminants) and D10 (marine litter).
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is the EMODnet Chemistry partner maintaining this regular exchange and dialogue. This activity is part of ICES' commitment to reach and interact with EMODnet Chemistry's key stakeholders to ensure the inclusion of Regional Seas Conventions and to contribute to the implementation of EU legislation and wider open data initiatives.
The win-win collaboration is supported by regular remote workshops focusing on different thematics, i.e. eutrophication, ocean acidification, contaminants and marine litter. During these meetings EMODnet Chemistry informs the board of new developments and receives critical input to improve products for the MSFD and regional seas use cases targeted by the experts.
Over the years, these meetings have contributed significantly to better mutual understanding and constructive cooperation.
Check the upcoming meetings.
The Board comprises over 50 participants from around 28 international research institutions, non-governmental organisations and regional, national and European government agencies. The experts are usually involved in three online meetings totalling 4.5 hours during the two-year life cycle of each project phase.
Have a say by joining the Board of experts! To do so, please send an email with the subject “Chemistry MSFD Board of experts” to info[at]emodnet-chemistry.eu and include your name, affiliation, email address and areas of thematic and geographic interest.
Reports summarising the online workshops are regularly produced and published on the EMODnet Portal. These meetings and the accompanying documentation are the project deliverables related to the Uptake, Outreach and Interaction work package. These reports are used as input for the EMODnet Chemistry steering meeting to discuss necessary adjustments with other work package leaders.
For further information, please send an email with the subject “Chemistry MSFD Board of experts” to info[at]emodnet-chemistry.eu.