These bi-annual meetings provide the opportunity to exchange information and opinions on the progress of the various EMODnet projects and initiatives, European and Global developments, identify strategic and technical challenges which may affect EMODnet, as well as to discuss opportunities and solutions for future improvements.
The governance meeting started with the 11th Technical Working Group (TWG), where the meeting focused on the ongoing EMODnet services centralisation, which will be completed by the end of 2022 bringing a number of benefits to the user through centralised data discovery, access and visualisation directly from the EMODnet Central Portal and a common map viewer..
The 16th Steering Committee (SC) included a full day open session with the EMODnet SC, TWG and European Commission Marine Knowledge Expert Group (MKEG). Highlights from the seven EMODnet thematic lots and data ingestion, including latest outputs, partnerships and centralisation updates were presented by EMODnet Coordinators. Updates were also given on EMODnet’s partnerships at EU level, including Copernicus Marine Service and the wider European marine knowledge community ranging from ocean observation and data collection actors to users. The EC DG MARE presented the EC Ocean Observation – sharing responsibility initiative, together with EMODnet Secretariat presenting upcoming activities including focused studies, targeted assessments and a consultation on the added benefits of the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints (2013-2018). At a global level, EMODnet’s increasing activities in the framework of the UN Ocean Decade were presented, together with updates on the EU-China EMOD-PACE partnership, and on EMODnet. The Secretariat provided updates on wider activities related to the new phase of EMODnet 2022 onwards. This included a forward look to EMODnet flagship events Open Sea Lab III Hackathon and the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 (more details coming soon!), and an update on internal and external Communications and activities related to wider society and ocean literacy through the European Atlas of the Seas.
Minutes and presentations are available on the EC Maritime Forum.