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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Do you collect or use marine data? Contribute to EMODnet and become part of the European Commission’s informal expert group on marine knowledge

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The European Commission DG MARE is setting up an informal expert group to advise on scientific, technical and operational matters in marine observation.
One of the group’s priorities will be to assist DG MARE with monitoring the development of EMODnet.

In particular they would welcome applicants who could contribute the perspective of the private sector to better understand:

  • how maritime business and investment can be served better by the provision of data through the EMODnet Network;
  • the gaps in current marine observation systems that limit offshore and coastal investment;
  • how private companies could contribute towards monitoring the seas and oceans and how the data they collect for their own purposes could be made more widely available

Find out more and apply now to join the group.