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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet 20th Steering Committee meets online

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On 29-30 April 2024 the EMODnet Steering Committee (SC) met online for its 20th meeting. The open session was open to the EMODnet SC, EMODnet Technical Working Group (TWG) and also attended by diverse representatives of the EC and EU agencies, including CINEA, EC DG MARE, DEFIS, ENV, RTD, JRC, and the European Environment Agency (EEA), with a dedicated discussion on EMODnet for EU Policy, Chaired by Rémy Denos, EC DG MARE. EMODnet thematic and data ingestion Coordinators presented the latest updates on their thematic data and data product offer, stakeholder dialogues, user uptake, and data sharing activities of EMODnet data ingestion, including partnerships with the private sector. The Central Portal technical team presented the latest features of the EMODnet Portal, including ongoing developments, and other open session agenda items included European Ocean Observing, EMODnet’s EU and Global partnerships, and updates on EMODnet’s Vision 2035 developments.

The closed session included operational discussions, including discussions on EMODnet’s latest communication strategy and resources, existing and emerging use cases, EMODnet’s Associated Partnership and Business events in 2024, and planning for the next EMODnet hackathon ‘Open Sea Lab 4.0’ (more news to follow). The minutes and agenda of the EMODnet 20th SC are published on the EC Maritime Forum.