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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

The EMODnet Annual Report 2016 is out!

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"2016 was a successful year for EMODnet. We have already achieved what we set out to do by 2020; deliver a complete multi-resolution seabed map of European seas. EMODnet is now a reference source of data for those working in the coastal and offshore blue economy. It is already improving the forecasting of storm surges and helping national and regional authorities develop spatial plans and report the state of their marine environment."

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


The EMODnet Annual Report 2016, published by the EMODnet Secretariat, gives an overview of the initiative and its five strands (the thematic portals, the Sea-basin Checkpoints, the Central Portal, the Ingestion Portal and the Secretariat), provides highlights on the progress in 2016 and the main achievements as well as the budget committed so far. It also includes a full section on practical use cases showcasing how EMODnet has been pivotal in supporting different organisations to solve complex challenges. For example, it documents how EMODnet has contributed to the improvement of storm surge modelling in the North Sea; how it enhanced marine topographical data discovery and access in the North Atlantic; how it cooperated with the Regional Council of Kymenlaakso to provide a seabed substrate map of the Gulf of Finland. These are only a few examples of the use cases included in the report.

Finally the report details how new organisations can join the EMODnet partnership through the EMODnet Associated Partnership scheme and reveals what are the plans and expectations for 2017.


Download the EMODnet Annual Report 2016 now!


EMODnet Annual report 20016