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EMODnet Bathymetry Contributing to Seabed 2030 Arctic Seabed Mapping

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EMODnet Bathymetry has long been a key regional hub and significant contributor to the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, as it offers services for viewing and downloading the best available harmonized Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for European sea regions, along with various other bathymetric data, products, and services. The data collected and shared through Seabed 2030 will contribute to international efforts to protect marine environments, enhance climate resilience, and promote sustainable ocean use.

And, EMODnet Bathymetry has contributed its harmonized Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to a recently released, International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO), Version 5.0, which added 1.4 million square kilometres of mapping coverage to the global seafloor dataset—an area three times the size of Sweden. This effort is a critical step towards the initiative's goal of mapping the global seafloor by 2030, providing exceptional details of the Arctic Ocean layer, offering insights for researchers and policymakers, and contributing to safer navigation.

Every dataset included in IBCAO 5.0 is based on all available datasets, including EMODnet Bathymetry, which played a crucial role in the Seabed 2030 Arctic mapping update. The EMODnet Bathymetry is one of the largest contributors of data by providing harmonized Digital Terrain Model (DTM) that covers much of European southern Arctic waters at a grid resolution of 115 m. 

EMODnet Bathymetry harmonized DTM product offers a consistent and compatible detailed representation of the seafloor topography. As a flagship product, the DTM is updated continuously with an increasing collection of bathymetric datasets from government organizations, research institutes, and industry partners.