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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet Biology Call for Data Grant

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Marine ecosystems provide a vast amount of services that are essential to society and human wellbeing and their conservation is essential to ensure sustainable development. We need to improve our understanding about complex ecosystem functioning and our knowledge about the status and trends on marine biodiversity. There is a considerable amount of marine biological data but these data are often collected with limited spatial and temporal scope and are scattered over different organizations in small datasets for a specific species group or habitat. EMODnet Biology aims to contribute to expanding our current knowledge on ecosystem functioning and the status of biodiversity by narrowing the current knowledge gaps, unlocking long-term series of curated and QC-ed biological datasets, producing end-user led data products from these data, and making both data and products available in interoperable formats through the web portal.

This call seeks grant proposals that will help EMODnet Biology to increase the amount of data made available and to cover existing geographical, temporal and/or taxonomic data gaps. Additional objectives of the call are to expand the EMODnet Biology network, raise awareness about open data and build capacity on biodiversity data sharing standards and FAIR data. The grant is provided to cover for the necessary resources for the applicant to describe and process the selected dataset(s), standardize and publish them in EMODnet Biology, as well as to attend the EMODnet Biology data workshop, foreseen in May-June 2020.

Interested institutions can submit a proposal before the announced deadline. To apply for a data grant, it is necessary to fill in the proposal template at the end of this document and send it by electronic mail to with subject “EMODnet Biology data grant proposal + [Institution Name]”. Deadline for proposal submission: 17 November 2019. Any question regarding the application procedure can be submitted to the above email address.

Download the full Call for Data Grant and all relevant information here, or visit