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EMODnet Biology Data Management Training Course for Mediterranean organisations

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Following the EMODnet Biology and LifeWatch-ERIC Autumn Data School held in November 2023, EMODnet Biology is now offering a Data Management training course to Mediterranean organisations in mid-May, in Tunisia. The course will cover data management aspects applicable to marine biology and will focus on the procedures required to publish data in medOBIS and subsequently in EMODnet Biology. Additional information will be sent to pre-registered participants. Registration deadline is end of February.

This event’s ultimate target is to cover the data gap that exists for the specific Mediterranean Marine Region, by welcoming Researchers and/or Data Managers to bring and share, during this 3 full-day in presence course, their own marine biogeographic datasets.

The course will cover data management aspects applicable to marine biology and will focus on the procedures required to publish data in medOBIS and subsequently in EMODnet Biology.

The course is organized by EMODnet Biology, medOBIS and Notre Grand Bleu association. Pre-registration is open until the end of February 2025 and is mandatory in order to help plan the logistics and assess the number of interested participants. 

For Pre-regsitration please visit:

Further detailed information on this training course will be sent to registered participants.