Phase V started on 10 May 2023 and since then EMODnet Biology has delivered 4 Quarterly Reports, Project meeting minutes, an overview of the consortium data flows, three workshops (Mediterranean organisations, Zooniverse for data digitization through citizen science, Regional Sea Conventions), the partners have updated the EMODnet Biology connectivity map, published informative material based on a questionnaire targeting some of our stakeholders, produced a report on the publication of fisheries survey data, have been reporting on the activities to support EU Member States regarding their reporting obligations through the quarterly reports and published a use case. Alongside this EMODnet Biology has continuously published data and have increased the number of occurrence records from 34.7 million at the end of Phase IV to more than 40 million in May 2024. These data originate from a total of 1325 datasets (an increase of 45 new datasets). Product development is also undergoing and we expect more news later this year.
EMODnet Biology has a lot of work to do in the year ahead, keep an eye out for further updates.