On 26-27 September 2023, EMODnet together with the European Commission DG MARE organised an online workshop on ‘’EMODnet Marine Data for Coastal Tourism’’. The main objective of the workshop was to facilitate cross-sectoral dialogue and share experiences from key coastal tourism stakeholders regarding their in situ data needs, existing and emerging uses of EMODnet and wider open source marine environmental and human activities data for coastal tourism operations and applications, and opportunities for private-public data sharing, including optimization of dataflows and EMODnet data ingestion as a public service supporting the European ocean observation and data collection community to enable Findable, Accessible, Reusable and Interoperable (FAIR) data.
The workshop was attended by over 42 coastal tourism experts with representatives from diverse stakeholder groups spanning the coastal tourism sector, including the private sector (industry), research, policy, non-governmental agencies, and more. EMODnet was well represented by (thematic) experts from geology, human activities, physics, Data Ingestion, Central Portal and the EMODnet Secretariat. Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) was invited as a complementary EC marine data service, with the workshop including examples of use cases utilizing EMODnet’s diverse in situ marine data offer and CMEMS satellite-derived data. The workshop format included both plenary presentations and dialogues, together with break-out discussions in smaller groups.
Day one of the workshop demonstrated EMODnet services and included cross-sectoral dialogue on in situ marine environmental and human activities data needs and requirements for the coastal tourism value chain. The agenda included presentations from the Secretariat on the latest unified EMODnet service ‘offer’ and the latest features and functionalities. EMODnet Coordinators and wider experts also demonstrated the latest EMODnet thematic data, data products and related services from Human Activities (presented by COGEA, Italy), Geology (presented by TNO, the Netherlands) and Physics (by SMHI, Sweden).
Presentation by EMODnet Human Activities Coordinator Alessandro Pititto (Cogea/ Bip-group) on EMODnet Human activities data offer during the EMODnet for Business online workshop day 1/Credits: EMODnet Secretariat
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) presented on the EU Blue Economy Observatory. Additionally, speakers from SOCIB, TransEurope Marinas, University of Malaga, SeaCras and Outdoor Portofino presented use cases of how they use open source EMODnet for their coastal tourism operations and applications, including in some cases in combination with other open sources data e.g., from CMEMS.
Presentation by Joaquin Tintoré (SOCIB) on Operational Ocean observation for tourism during the EMODnet for Business online workshop day 1/Credits: EMODnet Secretariat
Stakeholder feedback from breakout sessions and plenary discussions of day one highlighted specific coastal tourism data needs and gaps, such as the lack of marine data in certain regions, the demand for tourism statistics, and the need for parameters like vessel speed in Vessel Density Maps, were identified for consideration in future EMODnet developments. Additionally, the desire for increased education and ocean literacy among coastal tourism stakeholders was identified, including the value of using EMODnet data and data products as a resource.
The second day focused on data sharing, specifically how the coastal tourism sector could contribute in situ marine environmental ocean observations and human activities data to EMODnet. The EMODnet Secretariat presented the win-win benefits of data sharing and RBINS presented how the EMODnet Data Ingestion service is a public service supporting data collectors in data and metadata submission, curation and integration into EMODnet.
Participant feedback from the second day breakout session highlighted the need for exploring additional data sources such as coastal tourism municipalities that could contribute data into EMODnet. Challenges were identified in collecting high-resolution, standardized data due to the localized nature of tourism. Barriers to data sharing included a lack of awareness about the benefits, a need for capacity building and training in the tourism sector, concerns about commercial sensitivity, and a call for EMODnet to provide guidance on data sharing options and value.
This workshop report, as for all EMODnet for Business Workshops are publicised on the EC Maritime Forum and available for download at: https://maritime-forum.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2024-01/EMODnetCoastalTourism_September2023OnlineWorkshopReportFINAL.pdf.