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EMODnet Chemistry Stakeholder Consultation

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The Stakeholder consultation enabled the EMODnet Chemistry Partnership to identify and analyse new needs and gaps. This information serves as the basis for refining and improving the collaboration, resulting in more complete, efficient and user-oriented data, data products and services.

The workshop was introduced by Zoi Constantinou from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), who pointed out the key role EMODnet has played in data exchange in Europe and beyond since 2009. Alessandra Giorgetti from OGS, scientific coordinator of the project and organiser of the event,  recapped the main results achieved by EMODnet Chemistry in its five operational phases and the consolidated cooperation at European and global level. Neil Holdsworth from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) highlighted the importance of the project for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the mutual benefits resulting from the consolidated dialogue between the partnership and the board of MSFD experts.

EMODnet Chemistry has invested a lot of time and resources to close the gap between its results in terms of data and data products and the expectations and requirements of its stakeholders. We are proud to have gained the trust of many important organisations involved in managing data to assess the state of our oceans and seas. Much remains to be done, as there are still barriers to data sharing, such as concerns about misuse, appropriate recognition, sensitive information, ownership/permission, cost and time for sharing.

Neil Holdsworth from ICES, in charge of EMODnet Chemistry international cooperation together with OGS

Seven international organisations participated in the workshop: the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution, the European Environment Agency, the ICES’ Marine Litter Working Group, the world data centre PANGAEA and the Copernicus Marine Service. They outlined the main priorities related to the management of litter, eutrophication and hazardous substances data and their priorities for the near future.

The workshop was held as part of the EMODnet Chemistry Project Full Group (PFG) meeting, which started on 9 March. The PFG involves 44 organisations, mainly national marine monitoring agencies and major marine research institutes, complemented by experts in information technology and marine data management. The inclusion of consultation in the PFG meeting provided an opportunity to inform and familiarise participants with recent changes, mainly due to the centralisation of the EMODnet Chemistry web portal into the central EMODnet portal.

Visit the EMODnet Chemistry section of the EMODnet portal, the unique access point to all EMODnet thematic marine data services. 

Some pictures from the EMODnet Chemistry partners and key stakeholders during the plenary meeting and consultation