After 14 years of activity, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has confirmed the same partnership at the helm of EMODnet Chemistry for the next two years. The EMODnet Chemistry steering committee illustrated the way forward until 2 October 2025 to the project full group during the kick-off meeting on 28 November 2023. This took place in Brussels on the occasion of the EMODnet Jamboree and Open Conference from 27 to 30 November 2023.
The same consortium of 16 partners will continue to lead EMODnet Chemistry. It will be supported by 30 advisors responsible for the data population, experts in Regional Sea Conventions and a board of experts on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The management structure will also be maintained, consisting of 1) the Project coordinator, the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, 2) the Technical Coordinator, the Marine Information Service - MARIS, supported by a Technical Working Group, 3) the Steering Committee bringing together the partners, 4) the Project full Group also including all members of the Advisory Forum, 5) the 6 Regional Leaders acting as regional experts for data and products, and 6) the Work Package Leaders.
This confirmation is the best reward for the work we have done since 2009. Over the years, we have consolidated our expertise and reliability, which has led to an increase in our stakeholders and their expectations placed on us. For this reason, continuing the partnership with EMODnet Chemistry is an honour, but also a challenge. I would like to sincerely thank all the Organisations involved in the project for their fundamental contribution. Let us all prove our worth together once again.
The most important goals for the next two years were also on the table. Firstly, the participants discussed the thorough quality control of the old, updated and new data on eutrophication and contaminants. Secondly, the expected acquisition of new types of marine litter data, prioritising seafloor litter from images, was pointed out. The partnership then spoke about increasing cooperation with the EC Joint Research Centre in managing data from the monitoring programme under the MSFD for descriptors 5 (eutrophication), 8 and 9 ( contaminants ). The meeting also highlighted ongoing work to improve the reusability of data and to further develop customised services for exploring, subsetting and analysing quality-checked data.
All EMODnet Chemistry data and data products as well as tools & guidelines, reports and the latest news and events will continue to be available via the EMODnet Central Portal.