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EMODnet Chemistry teaches PhD students and young scientists

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On 24 June, the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS (Italy) and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research - AWI (Germany) participated in the training course entitled "Practical Introductory Course to Marine Monitoring Hardware and Procedures". This took place from 20 to 24 June 2022 at the OGS headquarters in Sgonico (Trieste, Italy) as part of the Interreg SHAREMED Mediterranean - TransNational On-Demand Actions project . The aim of the course was to introduce field-based oceanography to hardware beginners, PhD students and young scientists, mainly from the Southern Mediterranean countries, who are involved in marine meteorological observations of the sea. All the different phases and the tools involved were explained: from calibration and configuration to downloading and converting data. The course was attended by students from Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Greece, Nigeria and Italy. During the session entitled "The National Oceanographic Data Centres and the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). Hands-On Practice with webODV", OGS and AWI demonstrated how the EMODnet Chemistry webODV Data Explorer and Extractor tool  works and students had the opportunity to test the tool, interact with the tutors and use it shortly.

During the SHAREMED Summer School entitled "Tools, Databases and Knowledge to address and assess pollution and environmental threats in the Mediterranean waters", OGS demonstrated the synergies between SHAREMED and EMODnet. This took place from 27 June to 1 July at IPMA - Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere, Lisbon, Portugal. The summer school featured lectures on environmental threats and monitoring systems, opportunities to work on real data and the assessment methods and case studies developed, and practical exercises in sampling and laboratory work to promote mutual knowledge transfer. Learn more about the synergies between EMODnet and SHAREMED in the OGS presentation entitled "Main environmental threats in the Mediterranean Sea, data and information needs: lessons from SHAREMED stakeholder consultation ".

Blue Growth Summer School  organised by the OGS from 2 to 8 July, the EMODnet data infrastructure was presented in detail in a lesson entitled "Where to find data: EMODnet data discovery and access ". During the practical exercises and working groups, OGS also explained how to use EMODnet Chemistry services to easily access data and data products. The summer school, titled "The Copernicus Marine Service as a supporting tool to foster Sustainable Blue Economy", aimed to train promising talents working in the marine sector and to foster networks and partnerships that can help scale up activities in support of a sustainable blue economy, including research, entrepreneurial and communication activities. International postgraduate students and researchers working in the field of sustainable blue economy successfully participated in the school.
Some PhD students and young scientists who attended the SHAREMED training Course (©Vanessa Cardin from OGS)