As in previous editions the event was organized in collaboration with DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DGMARE), Copernicus Marine Service, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Flanders Marine Institute, Belgium (VLIZ) and Marine University Gent.
This edition was fully virtual and open to participants around the world. As a result, more than 500 people, from over 80 countries registered for the chance to innovate and unlock marine data to provide solutions around 6 challenges, namely: Protecting and restoring marine & freshwater biodiversity; eliminating pollution of our ocean, seas and waters; Making the blue economy carbon-neutral and circular; contributing to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; empowering social innovation and a Wild Card challenge allowing for complete creativity on the theme of the solution.
Open Sea Lab 3.0 Jury Team
In addition to the live Hackathon on 27-28 March, the organizing team offered a series of live online sessions between 6-24 March for ideation, dialogue and team formation. 33 mentors and coaches from EU marine data services EMODnet, Copernicus Marine Service and ICES provided expert advice to the teams taking part in the Hackathon, with 23 teams submitting all deliverables to be considered for prizes, and a top team of international expert jury members evaluating the ocean solutions and applications proposed.
The three top teams that were announced in a 2-hour online live award are the following:
“GreenWave Navigator” by The Carbon Games: Maritime team
“Wildlife hotspots and Earth Observation for Marine Spatial Planning” by the Wildlife Tracker EO team
“What's happening in my back yard” by the Hot Steel team
Winning teams will be invited for an all-expenses paid trip to European Maritime Day 2023 in Brest, France, where they will showcase their solution to marine and maritime stakeholders from across Europe and beyond, as well as having the chance to participate in the EMODnet workshops and wider activities.
We are proud of the innovative thinking and commitment of the OSL 3.0 participants and the outstanding work demonstrated by all!
Open Sea Lab 3.0 Online Live Awards Session Closing
Open Sea Lab 3.0 Online Live Award Session