EMODnet Geology visited Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, on 26-27 July 2023 to meet with the Caribbean Sea geological organizations to discuss potential collaboration in the sharing and harmonization of marine data and what possibilities EMODnet Geology could provide for the Caribbean area.Besides four EMODnet Geology representatives also participants from Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico were present on site. All Caribbean delegates were members of the Marine Geology Expert Group of ASGMI, the Association of Iberoamerican Geological and Mining Surveys. EMODnet Geology was presented by the coordinating team from Geological Survey of Finland and EMODnet Geology partners from Instituto Geológico y Minero de España representing also ASGMI coordinators. The EMODnet Geology work package leaders presented their tasks and deliverables to the Caribbean delegates online.
Despite many of the Caribbean surveys do not even have marine geological teams, they all have data from the seafloor, even more than we initially anticipated. Collaboration is accelerating now as we can see very positive feedback towards EMODnet from the representatives of the Caribbean sea surveys and preparations are already underway at full speed.
The local hosts from the Servicio Geologico Nacional (Dominican Republic) as well as ASGMI are warmly thanked for arranging the successful/excellent meeting.