The EMODnet Geology partner meeting was held at the Geological Survey of Finland’s (GTK) headquarters in Espoo on 14-17 May 2024.
Approximately 50 project delegates from 31 organisations gathered to discuss the Lot’s current activities and plans for the next six months. At the meeting, special emphasis was placed on communication and dissemination of project’s activities and products. Other general issues dealt with were coastal ribbon, vocabulary, seabed erosion as well as geotechnical data, which is a new data product that the group is preparing. Additionally, the coordinator of Seabed Habitats was invited to join the meeting on Tuesday to deepen collaboration between the two lots and issues of mutual interest were discussed.
The EMODnet Geology partners also celebrated their long-time coordinator Henry Vallius, who has excellently led the Geology Lot for many years. Dr Vallius will soon retire and as a result, there will be a change in the coordination team in June 2024, when the current coordinator and deputy coordinator Anu Kaskela change tasks.
On Friday partners made an excursion to Salpausselkä ice marginal complexes, Baltic Sea Ice Lobe. This terrestrial excursion enabled the examination of the geological formations characteristic of the Finnish landscape, which also stand out from the seafloor. The beautiful spring weather favoured the excursion, and we had a lovely day out.
Quote: “Dr Henry Vallius has done an absolutely excellent job as the coordinator of EMODnet Geology and in guiding the project forward. I have really big boots to fill in my new role. Thank you, Henry, and everyone who has contributed to our aims over the years. I humbly accept the challenge and strive to serve the Lot as coordinator to the best of my ability. “ Anu Kaskela, deputy coordinator, EMODnet Geology.