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EMODnet at the Marine Habitat Mapping Brown Bag Lunch

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EMODnet’s flagship EUSeaMap broad-scale seabed habitat map was recognised in the EMB report and in the event discussions as a unique EU asset that provides comprehensive data crucial for habitat mapping initiatives. The event highlighted critical scientific and policy recommendations to advance marine habitat mapping, featuring discussions on the latest technologies that enhance map quality and resolution, better representation of marine biology and ecosystem complexity, prioritization of key habitats, and associated costs.

 Additionally, the event addressed how marine habitat mapping can support European and international commitments on marine biodiversity, conservation, restoration, and management. The event date was also marked by the approval of the EU Nature Restoration framework, with high resolution habitat mapping noted as being a crucial component of achieving future policies in this domain.

For additional details, visit: Brown Bag Lunch N° 7: Marine habitat mapping to meet biodiversity, conservation and restoration objectives | European Marine Board