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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet for Maritime Spatial Planning and Offshore Renewable Energy

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On 12 December 2022, the EMODnet Secretariat presented EMODnet’s diverse marine environmental and human activities data and data products to the EU Member State Expert Group on Maritime Spatial Planning, including the National Maritime Spatial Plans that EMODnet now offers.

At the meeting EMODnet also presented key messages from its recent EMODnet for Business workshops focused on the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) sector which took place as two online workshops on 20-21 September 2022 for the Northeast Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea  regions and on 20-21 October 2022 for the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea  regions.

EMODnet Human Activities experts have also previously attended these meetings, increasing the dialogue between EMODnet and Member State representatives to increase the awareness and use of EMODnet data and data products for MSP. The meeting was also attended by representatives from the European Commission DG MARE DG ENERGY and DG Environment, amongst others.

Recommendations include ORE marine data needs and requirements, challenges and barriers to data sharing and potential solutions to promote greater private sector engagement with EMODnet and increase data submissions to EMODnet. The workshop reports and presentations are being made available on the EC Maritime Forum (links above).

Key messages have  also been presented to global stakeholders at meetings of the UN Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition WG Offshore Renewables and Sustainable Ocean Planning.


EMODnet for Maritime Spatial Planning and Offshore Renewable Energy