Before the plenary stage opened for the EMODnet Open Conference 2023, the EMODnet community convened for the EMODnet Partner Jamboree 2023—an exclusive gathering of EMODnet partners and Associated Partners. This pre-conference event provided a unique setting for in-depth discussions, partner meetings, cross-thematic dialogues, and collaborative endeavors, setting the stage for the subsequent conference.
On 27th November afternoon - 28th November morning, EMODnet partners met in their thematic and data ingestion Consortia to discuss their workplans, key achievements and forward planning.
©Serena Vittorini
The Partner Cross-Thematic Dialogues kicked off on 28th November – 29th November morning. The Call to Action was first presented by Kate Larkin (Head, EMODnet Secretariat since Spring 2023) and Jan-Bart Calewaert (former Head, EMODnet Secretariat until Spring 2023), including a dialogue on EMODnet’s evolution, setting the scene for a EMODnet Vision to 2035, to be developed in the coming year. A session on EMODnet communication strategies was guided by Angelika Karampourouni of the EMODnet Secretariat, where partners where presented with the latest online communication resources. Jula Falvey, Seascape Belgium shared expert in storytelling and science communication, and discussions were held around setting new goals for the EMODnet communication strategy.
©Serena Vittorini
EMODnet Geology’s Sytze Van Heteren, TNO, The Netherlands and Nathalie Tonné, EMODnet Secretariat, co-chaired a dialogue on existing and emerging EMODnet cross-thematic data products with a focus on emerging areas where users would benefit from data products that combine multiple EMODnet marine environmental and human activities thematics and parameters.
©Serena Vittorini
Citizen Science was another key topic, with a cross-thematic dialogue, led by EMODnet Coordinators including EMODnet Physics experts Antonio Novellino and Patrick Gorringe. The session facilitated discussions among coordinators and interested partners regarding the ingestion of citizen science data into EMODnet. Building on the fruitful dialogue from the EMODnet Open Conference 2021, participants revisited, reflected upon, and advanced citizen science initiatives within the EMODnet framework.
©Serena Vittorini
A dedicated session on the EMODnet Central Portal took was organized by the Secretariat and the technical team including Tim Collart, EMODnet Secretariat and Bart Vanhoorne, Fred Leclerq and Joana Beja, VLIZ, Belgium. Partners had the unique opportunity for a hands-on demonstration of the services centralized since January 2023. This interactive session, attended by the EMODnet Technical Working Group and all partners, fostered open discussions, shared feedback, and provided a glimpse into upcoming features and functionalities.
©Serena Vittorini
Another highlight Jamboree session was that of the EU Digital Twin Ocean presentation, with a dialogue open to all EMODnet partners. Led by VLIZ which is the lead EMODnet partner for EDITO-Infra, together with inputs from EMODnet Secretariat’s Technical Coordinator Conor Delaney, the session showcased EMODnet's pivotal role in the EU Digital Twin Ocean through the EDITO-Infra project, emphasizing collaboration with the Copernicus Marine Service.
©Serena Vittorini
The EMODnet Partnership Dinner on 28th November evening was opened with speeches by Kestutis Sadauskas, Deputy Director-General of EC DG Mare and Kate Larkin, Head of the EMODnet Secretariat. These recognized the contribution of the EMOD-network including all partner contributions, Coordinator, Steering Committee, Technical Working Group and Central Portal Team efforts in implementing the EMODnet centralization, the EMODnet Secretariat, Associated Partners and more.
©Serena Vittorini
On 29th November morning three more Jamboree sessions took place. These included a Technical Dialogues session led by EMODnet Secretariat’s Technical Coordinator Conor Delaney, a session on EMODnet for coastal, led by Francisco Campuzano, +Atlantic / EMODnet Physics and Vicente Fernandez, EMODnet Secretariat, and EMODnet for the Blue Economy, co-Chaired by Alessandro Pititto, COGEA – BIP group, and by Megan Tijssens and Kate Larkin from the EMODnet Secretariat.
©Serena Vittorini
The Jamboree and Open Conference organisers would like to pass a heart-felt thanks to all EMODnet partners, associated partners, funders and wider experts that engaged in the full week of meetings!