What are the most interesting and relevant data sets for ingestion and safe-keeping? This was the focus of the recent EMODnet Data Ingestion partner meeting in Limassol, Cyprus.
Before the meeting, partners had been working to compile an inventory of potentially valuable data sources, from throughout Europe, that are currently inaccessible for many users. During the course of the three day meeting, this inventory was screened by the experts present to identify the most valuable candidate data-sets, per EMODnet theme, for further processing and publishing as open data. This work will now be taken forward by the relevant national EMODnet Data Ingestion partners, towards unlocking the potential of these data sets to contribute to applications for society.
Many SeaDataNet members were present, as well as the coordinators of the EMODnet thematic portals and the Mediterranean checkpoint. The progress of the project since its inception in May 2016 was reviewed, to discuss forthcoming activities, and to provide input for preparing the 1st annual progress report to the EU.