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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet Second Open Conference and Jamboree


Connecting Open Data, Delivering Marine Knowledge: A Vision for 2030

EMODnet Open Conference 2021 banner

Open Conference

During this online event, EMODnet partners, data providers and users connected across stakeholder communities and looked ahead to help us design and implement EMODnet next phase to 2030 and beyond.

To start the week, the Open Conference (14-16 June 2021) provided a unique opportunity to recognise and further develop existing and emerging partnerships, and to listen to marine data providers and users experiences and appreciation of the value of EMODnet data, data products and services, and what can be done further to optimise the user experience.

An EMODnet Jamboree with partners meetings of the 7 thematics and data ingestion, upon invitation, took place on the 17 and 18 June 2021. 

  • Dates: 14-16 June 2021 (EMODnet Open Conference) / 17-18 June 2021 (EMODnet Jamboree, upon invitation)
  • Format: Online event
  • Pogramme: As well as plenary presentations, panels and breakout discussions, participants were invited to submit an abstract for an online poster, to be presented as a 1-minute pitch presentation in plenary sessions.
  • Organisers: The EMODnet Secretariat, in collaboration with DG MARE and VLIZ.
EMODnet Open Conference report
(9,2 MB - PDF)



Virtual Exhibition

As part of the second EMODnet Open Conference which took place on 14-16 June 2021, an online platform with a virtual exhibition showcases the diverse activities of EMODnet, resources and services, as well as those from related initiatives, including 55 community posters.



Community Posters


EMODnet welcomed the EMOD-network and wider community to submit abstracts for posters relating directly to EMODnet open access data, data products, applications and interoperability across data services, across the following themes:

  • EMODnet contributors (data collection and ocean observation, data providers, data management initiatives and infrastructures, etc.);
  • EMODnet for users (use cases of EMODnet data and data products by policy, research, industry, civil society, other);
  • EMODnet for innovation (development of added value products and applications using EMODnet data and data products);
  • EMODnet partnerships (collaboration with other services and stakeholders, and contribution to EU and global initiatives).

All posters directly referenced, and had a tangible link, with EMODnet e.g. as a data contributor, service provider, user, application, and/or partnership. 

Once received, all abstracts were reviewed and validated by the co-organisers. All approved abstracts needed to produce an electronic poster which was made available fully online for participants. In addition, each poster submitted a 1-minute pitch presentation, screened during plenary sessions. 

Key dates:

  1. From 4 March 2021
    Pre-registration to the online conference
  2. 12 April 2021
    Deadline abstract submission
  3. By 3 May 2021
    Notification on abstract acceptance
  4. 1 June 2021
    Deadline to submit your e-poster and 1-minute pitch video
    Once your abstract is approved
  5. 14-16 June 2021
    EMODnet Open Conference 2021