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EMODnet showcases EU in situ marine data services at the International Ocean Data Conference 2022

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On 14 February 2022, Kate Larkin, Deputy Head at the EMODnet Secretariat presented EMODnet in the Opening Session “The Global Ocean Data Ecosystem: status and way forward”. The presentation included highlights from across the EMOD-network, setting the stage for multiple other presentations across the 2.5 day programme, and providing international ocean data and marine/maritime stakeholers with the latest updates on EMODnet evolution, including the ongoing centralisation of all EMODnet data, data products and metadata by 2022 that will be a game-changer for simplifying the user experience and making EMODnet even more interoperable and “future-fit” for the digital commons, EU marine data space and global ocean data ecosystem.


In addition to explaining the state-of-the-art services and added value of EMODnet in the EU and global marine data landscape, the presentation provided examples of EMODnet best practice in the marine data domain – ranging from the adoption of European geospatial data standards to international metadata standards and compliance with the FAIR data principles, moving also towards more Transparency, Responsibility, User focus, Sustainability and Technology (TRUST) and Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics (CARE) data principles. Key partnerships such as those with Copernicus Marine Service were also noted to play a key role at coordination and operation levels, including bi-directional data flows for EMODnet in situ marine data to validate Copernicus satellite-derived data and as input to Copernicus modelling, and examples where Copernicus remotely-sensed data and model outputs e.g., currents being used in EMODnet products e.g., the EMODnet Seabed Habitats EUSeaMap.

Testimonials and use cases from the diverse user community ranging from Blue Economy to research, civil society and policy users were also presented, as concrete examples of the >89,000 unique visitors who accessed EMODnet services in 2021.

We realise the importance of EMODnet data and data products e.g. Bathymetry, Physics in reducing uncertainty and improving offshore energy operators costs in mico siting of cables.

Gerben de Boer, Van Oord, EC MKEG member


The collaboration between EMODnet Chemistry and EC JRC has led to a a common database with harmonised beach litter data from 300 beaches across Europe. This is a key contribution to enable Member States to carry out marine litter assessments for the Marine Strategy Framework Descriptor 10, and as a direct input to develop the EU Single Use Plastics Directive.

Georg Hanke, EC JRC


Lastly, the already diverse contribution of EMODnet to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development were highlighted, including:

•    Co-Chair of the UN Ocean Decade (OD) Data Coordination Group (EMODnet Secretariat);
•    Contributor and expert to the IWG-SODIS Intersessional Working Group Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade (EMODnet Coordinators);

•    Multiple inputs to UN Ocean Decade Actions:

  • DITTO (Digital Twins of the Ocean, Steering partner)
  • COAST PREDICT (Advisor role)
  • Ocean Best Practices (EMODnet referenced)

•    IODE Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS): All EMODnet thematic portals/central portal are registered on ODIS catalogue. Additional records will be added from the EU-China EMOD-PACE marine data project;

•    IOC Ocean InfoHub Project (OIH): EMODnet is a European focal point & technical advisor to the development of ODIS architecture & interoperability with EMODnet.

The Conference programme includes many more EMODnet expert presentations and posters across the 7 thematics, data ingestion and data infrastructures, towards a final session on Recommendations for IODE and ocean data to 2030. A further news article will be added in the coming days with further details.

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