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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet Stakeholder Conference and Sea-basins Workshops

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How fit for purpose is Europe's marine data infrastructure? How accessible and interoperable are the data? Where are the gaps in monitoring? A series of stress tests in Europe's seabasins have been underway for the past three years. Join our upcoming stakeholder conference when the results of these stress-tests will be presented and discussed to consider the way forward.

EMODnet Stakeholder Conference & Sea-basin Workshops: Stress-testing European Marine Data – Towards a European Ocean Observing System

14-15 February, Brussels, Belgium

The Conference aims to mobilise a wide group of interested stakeholders to consider joint issues, present common findings as well as highlighting differences between the Sea-basins, as identified by the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints, in terms of existing and future monitoring and observation activities, data availability and usefulness to address real problems.

The main objectives of the EMODnet Checkpoints Stakeholder Conference are to:

  • Inform interested stakeholders about the outputs and findings of the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints;
  • Consider how to improve future data adequacy assessments and outputs by seeking input from stakeholders’ needs and identification of gaps;
  • Look forward with Stakeholders from science, policy, industry and civil society on how marine monitoring and observation activities could be improved and better coordinated in Europe. 

EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints assess the quality of the current observation monitoring data at the level of the regional sea-basins. By testing the data against specific end-user challenges, the checkpoints aim to demonstrate how well the current monitoring systems and data collection frameworks provides data to meet the needs of users. In doing so, data gaps and duplications as well as significant bottlenecks are being highlighted. The programme is available here.