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8th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference

The 8th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference 2021 provides stakeholders of the Atlantic Community the opportunity to review the current state-of-play of the Atlantic Action Plan and its future outlook.


The 8th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference 2021 ("Atlantic Pathways to a Green Blue Economy"), will take place as a hybrid event that will be held on 21 October 2021 in Dublin, Ireland and online. The organisation of the conference is rather symbolic, one year after the launch of the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0 – A New Approach to the Atlantic Maritime Strategy. The occasion provides stakeholders of the Atlantic Community the opportunity to review the current state-of-play of the Atlantic Action Plan and the way forward. It also presents opportunities to introduce the Community to new stakeholders, projects and innovative ways to collaborate toward its implementation.

Registration is still possible here.


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