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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

CommOCEAN 2020: 4th International Marine Science Communication Conference

CommOCEAN 2020 Conference aims to provide communication skills and inspiration to marine communicators across a range of experience levels. The Conference programme combines hands-on exercises in current science communication skills for disseminating ocean research and technology. The 4th conference is taking place online, hosted and organised by the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN).

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The EMODnet Secretariat will lead 1 workshop and 1 presentation at CommOCEAN 2020!

Workshop - How to connect marine science to society using the European Atlas of the Seas

1 December 2020 at 14:00 

Facilitators : Nathalie Van Isacker, Andrée-Anne Marsan and Tim Collart (EMODnet Secretariat)

Presentation - 10 years of EMODnet in 10 minutes! How to communicate and celebrate a decade of achievements

2 December 2020 at 11:30

Speaker : Francis Strobbe (EMODnet Secretariat)

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