The main objective of the workshop is to share experiences and solutions for data interoperability, modelling ocean dynamics and generation of coastal adaption data products and link with a number of additional marine data generators, managers, product developers and data sharing system operators from Asian countries, to increase wider regional data interoperability as well as to collaborate on data product development. The envisaged outcome is to assist users and stakeholders by extending open access to complementary data and data products available via a wider range of sources. It aligns with the overall aim of the project to improve discovery of and access to marine data and data products by establishing interoperability of data and information systems. Ultimately, this should reduce uncertainty-driven risk and improve productivity in the European seas as well as the waters surrounding China and between China and Europe.
Target group
The workshop specifically targets ocean data experts, generators of ocean and coastal data products as well as managers of data centres and/or data services at local, national and regional in Asia and Europe as well as key users of ocean data and data products and stakeholders interested in learning more about the achievements and lessons learned from the EMODPACE and CEMDnet projects and expanding the collaboration on data interoperability and co-development of relevant data products in a global context.
Speakers and participants will include EMOD-PACE & CEMDnet Project Coordination Offices, Technical and Scientific leads and supporting partners, representatives from UNESCO-IOC’s project office for IODE and IODE network, representatives from IODE Ocean infohub project, IODE-ODIN-WESTPAC representatives and other invited stakeholders.
About the organisers
This joint workshop is organised by NMDIS, the EMODnet Secretariat hosted by Seascape Belgium and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) with support from all core partners (i.e. SHOM, Seascape Belgium, MARIS, GTK, GEUS, JNCC, Ifremer, ETT, OGS, VLIZ, SMHI, and COGEA) and collaboration with the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Programme of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.
The EMOD-PACE/CEMDnet workshop is open to all interested experts and stakeholders, but registration is required – please send an email to eu-chinaPCO@emodnet.eu
Further information on the partnership