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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EMODnet for coastal tourism online workshop

Join us on 26-27 September 2023 for a two-day online workshop "EMODnet for Coastal tourism". The workshop will take place over two half-days (mornings) and is designed to explore how the coastal tourism industry can benefit from EMODnet. Participants will discover the potential of EMODnet services and will be able to engage in in cross-regional dialogue and exchanges with participants from all European sea basins.



Day one will provide a platform for cross-sectoral dialogue on data needs and requirements for the coastal tourism sector. Day two will focus on data sharing, with a particular emphasis on how the coastal tourism sector can contribute marine environmental measurements to EMODnet databases. Don't miss this opportunity to collaborate, innovate and explore new business opportunities!

Participants will include both private and public sector, including (but not limited to) coastal tourism operators, national authorities and wider policy makers at national, regional and EU levels, research & academia, marine consultancies and marine data services. Recommendations from the workshops will also be communicated to and taken up by the European Commission in relation to a new EC Ocean Observation initiative.

The workshop is by invitation only. To express interest to attend, please contact

This workshop is part of a series of "EMODnet for Business" events with previous editions including Blue Economy sectors Aquaculture and Offshore Renewable Energy. A workshop report will be produced after the event, made available via EMODnet and the EC Maritime Forum.