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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Fishing for Data, 20 May 2020, VIRTUAL - Save the date!

EMODnet Physics and Berring Data Collective are offering two time slots for this webinar to serve global audiences. Fishing gears can act as platforms for oceanographic sensors, which record data profiles during normal fishing operations. This data is useful not only for physical oceanography, but is mutually beneficial to both fisheries operations and science. An emerging international network of scientific and industry programs are collecting ocean data with fishing gears. The distribution of fishing activities shows strong potential to fill spatial observation gaps, and complement existing observation networks and technologies. Background on programs, sensors, data collection opportunities, and future plans are presented.


Commercial fishing gear such as bottom trawls, pots, traps and long lines can act as platform for oceanographic sensors, which measure physical oceanographic data during normal fishing operations. The lack of ocean data in coastal and shelf-seas holds back operational oceanography, weather forecasting, maritime industries, and climate change monitoring. This same data can benefit fishing operations and fisheries management. We quantify and compare the existing sub-surface data coverage with the spatial distribution of fishing activities, showing that integration with fishing could fill in some of the most pressing gaps in existing ocean observation systems in coastal and shelf-seas. An emerging network of international scientific and industry programs are collecting oceanographic data with fishing gears. Berring Data Collective is an initiative working with EMODnet Physics to promote communication and data standardization between existing programs, and centralized distribution pathways. Progress and future plans on data flows and management are showcased.

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About the event

Fishing for Data Webinar schedule and program:

- the first time slot is: 10:00am CEST (04:00 EST, 20:00 NZST) - link to the webmeeting

- the second time slot is: 19:00 CEST (13:00 EST, 05:00 NZST) - link to the webmeeting


The webinar is organized 30 minutes presentation followed by 30 minutes of Q&A and will discuss about:


- Background, solving problems for fishing industry, fisheries science, and now oceanography

- Technical basis: behavior of fishing gears, new developments, in compact IoT sensors

- Potential to fill spatial observation coverage gaps, and complement existing platforms

- EMODnet on data standards and data flow

- Developments beyond TS profiles and future directions

- Questions & Answers, including panelists from the FOOS and eMOLT programs, which are the first programs, that are running today, to collect data in collaboration with fishing vessels.