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ICES workshop in collaboration with EMODnet Chemistry on the Revision of the DOME Litter Data Format

Planned on 18-20 January 2023 in Copenhagen (Denmark), the workshop will review the data format in ICES Environmental Database (DOME)  for litter, including litter of various size fractions and categories in water, sediment, biota, and seafloor, according to the latest community requirements.
Copenhagen (Denmark) and online

Based on the recommendations from the Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML) , WKLIDA will revise the DOME litter data format structure, related to the latest requirements for litter data reporting, including quality assuran​​ce information. It will also review the reference standards in order to harmonize them with EMODnet Chemistry standards.

Collaboration with EMODnet Chemistry partners and support from AMAP , OSPAR , HELCOM , as well as national experts is essential for the success of the workshop.

Experts who are interested in participating can register via email at by 16 January 2023. Remote participation is also possible.