Register for a webinar on 8 May that will showcase the iMagine use case on marine litter monitoring . The event is led by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in collaboration with OGS, the Coordinator of EMODnet Chemistry. It is part of the iMagine webinar series that started in January.
iMagine is an EU-funded project that is developing an AI framework and platform to provide researchers in aquatic sciences with free access to AI-based image analysis services and image storage from multiple sources. EMODnet Chemistry contributes its expertise on beach litter data management to develop the use case titled “Aquatic litter drones”.
During the webinar, the researchers will demonstrate the functionalities of the Litter Assessment service developed for this use case. The service aims at establishing an operational service at the iMagine platform for ingestion, storage, analysis and processing of drone images, observing litter floating at surface waters in seas, rivers and lakes, and lying at beaches and shores. The service provides precise, AI-driven analysis for assessing aquatic litter, enabling targeted pollution control. In particular, the service analyses drone footage to count plastic litter on water surfaces, providing data for targeted cleanups and informed environmental action. The user-friendly design of the service requires minimal skills to operate, encouraging participation from citizen scientists and fostering widespread involvement and awareness for a cleaner aquatic environment.
The resulting datasets are expected to be relevant for environmental management, cleanup operations, and contributing to indicators such as the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the EU Green Deal. Participants in the webinar will have the opportunity to ask questions and request access to the service after the demonstration.