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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Let's Make the Mediterranean Blue Sea-basin event

The EU4Ocean Coalition is preparing its " Let's Make the Mediterranean Blue sea basin event ", organised around Med Coast Day (September 25th).  The multi-day event will combine a rich and diverse programme on-site, digital and in hybrid format, organised in different Mediterranean locations. Together, by connecting Mediterranean ocean literacy actors and initiatives, it will serve as a focal point for bringing ocean literacy to everybody’s mind and actions.



Amongst the various workshops and topics presented during this multi-day event, one workshop: "Bringing Ocean and Climate to the classroom", is particulary linked to EMODnet and the European Atlas of the Seas initiative. The ocean literacy workshop on science and activities from the Mediterranean Sea, focuses in partiular how schools can 'Find the Blue' and take the first steps to become agents for change and sustainability of the ocean and seas. The online workshop features presentations and class activities on a changing climate in the Mediterranean Sea by marine scientists and experienced educators and is designed for teachers of all grade levels.

Consult the full Programme and how to register here.