This course is developed by, and for, marine data managers, data stewards and researchers, working in institutions responsible for the collection and good management of marine data. Online and fully self-paced, this training course provides a comprehensive introduction to the management of marine data, including the guiding principles of data management and typical responsibilities for data managers, data stewards and scientists.
During this training course, you will be introduced to several general aspects related to the management of marine data, including, metadata, quality control, data policy, data sharing and publishing, data management plans and the research data life cycle. By the end of this course, you will be able to describe and implement the core tasks required for the processing of marine data, explain the importance of metadata, advise researchers on the research data life cycle and explain why a good data management plan is key from the very first initiation steps of a project.
You can register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is approved (this is not done immediately), you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enroll in the course using your OceanExpert username and password. Enrolment is available from 1 February until 15 May 2025.