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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Ocean Data Week – Ocean Race The Grand Finale

EMODnet Physics Coordinating organization, ETT, Italy are co-organisers of the Ocean Data Week, an event of The Ocean Race Finale. The EMODnet Secretariat and wider experts from EMODnet Physics and Chemistry will convene in Genoa for a series of Sessions, presentations and panels spanning European Ocean Observation, the Marine Knowledge Value Chain and Marine Data for EU Policy and Climate Change.

EMODnet has partnered with The Ocean Race, Copernicus Marine Service and SOCAT to fit ocean sensors to Ocean Race yacht hulls, to collect ocean observations of surface ocean temperature, wider physical and chemical parameters. Ocean physics data are being streamed and made available in near real-time on EMODnet Physics.

Meet ETT at Grand Finale's Ocean Live Park, end this spectacular edition of the world's most exciting regatta on a high note. During Ocean Data Week, organized by ETT from June 27-30, conferences and workshops on Blue Economy and Smart Sustainable Cities, featuring EMODnet and other projects, will enliven the dialogue among international partners, in the ETT Hall of the Blue Pavilion. Admission is free to all Ocean Live Park spaces, with opportunities to also participate in cultural experiences, family activities, "sea and sailing" themed edutainment, and an entire "Island of Sustainability." See you at the Grand Finale!

Join EMODnet presentations and stakeholder discussions via LIVE web stream on 27-30 June 2023:

Event page: " " 

27 June morning (Ocean Observation, Marine Data Gaps): " " 

27 June afternoon (Marine Data and Information for EU Green Deal and Climate Change): " " 

28 June (EuroSea project): " " 

29 June afternoon (Biodiversity and Sustainability): " " 

30 June Low cost-effective sensors):  " " 


The EMODnet EU marine in situ data service will be presented on 27-28 June.


Find out more at Ocean Race  

Pre-Registration here  

Ocean Race's program (©Municipality of Genoa)