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Save the date - AlgaEurope goes online!

The AlgaEurope conference 2020 will be transformed to an online event due to the current developments around the Coronavirus. The deadline for the submitting the abstracts is extended until 27 September.



Although algae are widely used in biotechnology and agriculture in Europe and worldwide, and the term algae appears in multiple legal documents, the term as such is poorly defined. Algae are very diverse group of organisms, found almost everywhere on the planet. Based on common use the term algae includes representatives from prokariotes (the cyanobacteria) and from several kingdoms of the eukariotes, whereby no scientific agreement currently exists on the exact taxonomic classification of those multiple  eukaryote kingdoms.

Every year the European algae scene meets at the AlgaEurope conference.  AlgaEurope offers a unique opportunity for an exchange between academia and industry, established in a networking-based environment that will explore sector’s evolution worldwide as well as the main European players. Currently, there are several European projects, from lab scale to demonstration plants and commercial facilities, aiming to accelerate the commercialization of algal products.

The AlgaEurope conference 2020 will be transformed to an online event due to the current developments around the Coronavirus. The online conference will be held on 1-3 December 2020. The deadline for the submitting the abstracts is extended until 27 September. Please follow the link to Submit your abstracts.

The program will be released shortly so stay tuned and save the date!