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UN Ocean Decade Satellite Activity - Expanding Ocean data interoperability between Europe and Asia

Showcasing the benefits of making ocean data interoperable & co-developing marine knowledge products to address global challenges. Examples & achievements of EU, Chinese and Asian ocean data sharing collaborations & opportunities to join the efforts.


Expanding international ocean data interoperability and co-development of marine knowledge between Europe and Asia


This webinar - organised as a Satellite Activity to the Ocean Decade Laboratory 4 “An Accessible Ocean” - aims to inform interested marine knowledge providers, users and stakeholders about the EMODPACE and CEMDNET collaborative projects of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and the Chinese National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) with a view to ‘extend the EMODnet-NMDIS partnership and expand the resulting interoperable data resources, to allow users to discover and view data with common formats held by a wider range of European and Asian data centres and explore options to co-develop relevant data products based on these open data resources'.

The overall aim of EMOD-PACE, and its sister project CEMDnet, is to promote international ocean governance and support the implementation of global commitments by making ocean marine data and data products more easily accessible and by providing more standardised data and data products.

The webinar will present examples and achievements of ongoing collaborations between EU, Chinese and Asian marine data and information services in the context of global frameworks and developments to promote open data and information sharing, including those under the auspices of UNESCO-IOC’s International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange programme (IODE), NMDIS and EMODnet.

Benefits and opportunities for other organisations, data services and initiatives to join these initiatives focussing on interoperable data sharing and data product development at regional and global level will be presented and discussed with a view to strengthen the global digital data ecosystem in support of the Decade of Ocean Science and for the benefit of all marine knowledge providers and consumers.

Target group

International marine and maritime stakeholders, marine data providers, marine knowledge generators and users from Europa and Asia with a keen interest or stake in improving interoperability and sharing of ocean data between Europe and the Asian region and expanding ongoing collaborations at an international level. We particularly welcome experts and representatives from institutes, data centres and networks interested to learn more about and collaborate with EMODPACE, CEMDnet and IODE to contribute open data and generate new knowledge products.

About the organisers

The webinar is co-organised by NMDIS (National Marine Data and Information Service of China) and EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) Secretariat and by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in the framework of the EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe (EMOD-PACE) project, funded by the European Commission and the CEMDnet (China-EU Marine Data Network Partnership) project, funded by the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, and in collaboration with UNESCO-IOC’s International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange programme (IODE).


The Satellite Activity will be livestreamed as a Webex Webinar.

The event is free and open to all interested persons but registration is necessary to participate.

Practical details


  • 11th May 2022, 11:00-12:30 CEST (GMT+2 / Brussels, Belgium)
  • 11th May 2022, 17:00-18:30 CST (GMT+8 / Tianjin, China)


Program - Expanding Ocean data interoperability between Europe and Asia
(PDF - 1MB)



Ocean Decade Laboratory 6 - An Accessible Ocean

This Satellite Activity event fits into the sixth Ocean Decade Laboratory on the Outcome “An Accessible Ocean”, which is taking place between the 10th of May and the 12th of May. This 6th Laboratory is hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO).

You can find the information about the 6th Ocean Decade Laboratory -An Accessible Ocean and the Laboratory program on the Ocean Decade Conference Website .