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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

WEBINAR - EMODnet vessel density maps

The EMODnet Human Activities team invites you to a Webinar and live Q&A on the vessel density maps on the 15 March 10:00-10:45 CET. Alessandro Pititto (EMODnet Human Activities Coordinator), Luigi Falco (GIS Coordinator) and William Adnams (GIS Developer) will show how the maps work and will give a quick overview of the method used.

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15 March 2019 10:00-10:45 CET: A live tutorial with Alessandro Pititto (EMODnet Human Activities Coordinator), Luigi Falco (GIS Coordinator) and William Adnams (GIS Developer) will show how the maps work and will give a quick overview of the method used. Register now for free at