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Introducing ERDDAP: a national workshop, Sweden

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The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)  , together with Voice of the Ocean (VOTO)  and EMODnet Physics organized a successful national ERDDAP workshop on the 19th of January in Gothenburg, Sweden. 40 participants from a number of Swedish institutes and organizations attended the full day event. The morning session was devoted to high level overview of ERDDAP, practicalities of setting up an ERDDAP, an overview of EMODnet followed by a VOTO case study who set up their ERDDAP with assistance from SMHI and EMODnet Physics. Afternoon was a hands-on data session. Material used at the workshop together with other information is available at the VOTO website  and the EMODnet Physics space on GitHub 



National Swedish ERDDAP workshop (© Patrick Gorringe). 

National Swedish ERDDAP workshop (© Patrick Gorringe). 

National Swedish ERDDAP workshop (© Patrick Gorringe).