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Inventory of identified stakeholders for licensing data – Progress of EMODnet Data Ingestion phase III

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The general objective of EMODnet Ingestion III is to facilitate and streamline the process whereby marine data from whatever source (including national monitoring programmes, research projects, licensing data and private companies) be delivered on a voluntary basis for safekeeping to data repositories from where it can be freely disseminated.

A new challenge in the EMODnet Ingestion initiative is specifically dedicated to improving and documenting the availability of data provided for coastal and offshore licensing. The objective is to identify and engage with public authorities that receive data from licensing procedures for coastal or offshore activities, with a particular focus on aquaculture and offshore energy, to obtain more information on the management of monitoring data, to promote the use of common standards, and to start a path towards a more harmonised approach, through a workshop.

A new challenge in the EMODnet Ingestion initiative is specifically dedicated to improving and documenting the availability of data provided for coastal and offshore licensing

Dick Schaap, EMODnet Ingestion technical coordinator

This new task (Task 9) is lead by Deltares and requires input from all partners concerning their national situation. Identifying the different stakeholders was the first step of this task. It has been completed with the finalization of Deliverable 4.4 “Inventory of identified stakeholders for licensing data – 2nd Release”. The aim was to identify stakeholders who issue licenses/permits for coastal and offshore activities, who carry out monitoring or who collect data. In total 128 stakeholders from 27 countries could be identified. Seven different types of stakeholders were identified: Government (national), Agency, Education (e.g. university), Scientific institutes, Government (local / regional), Commercial company, or Other.

As shown in the figure below, more than half (52%) of the identified stakeholders are different ministries from national governments from different ministries such as the Ministry of (Renewable) Energy, Ministry of Environment and Water and the Ministry of Agriculture. This is followed by Agencies (19%), Scientific institutes (9 %), and education such as universities and scientific institutes (9%). The contacted stakeholders were asked to clarify their role in relation to marine data as producer, owner or holder of data. They were also asked if they were already aware of EMODnet Data Ingestion and if they would like to collaborate with EMODnet.  The deliverable D4.4 updated is annexed in its entirety to the EMODnet Ingestion quarterly report released in February 2023.

Different types of stakeholders responsible or involved in the offshore licensing process(©EMODnet data ingestion).


The second step of Task 9 will deal with establishing a baseline Assessment or Inventory of Data Collection and Licensing Processes in each country. This activity is again led by Deltares and will involve further surveys and contacts with identified stakeholders, assisted by EMODnet Ingestion partners, to make available relevant documentation and information. The objective is twofold: (i) identify practices on data collection and licensing processes; (ii) examine relevant previous EU-funded projects to identify common methodologies, roadmaps and synergies which would support the proposed approach of this project.

Later in the course of this project, a database will be set up and a roadmap towards a more harmonised approach initiated; this will include organising a participatory workshop with the stakeholders. Ultimately, this final step in this phase of EMODnet Ingestion will aim to convince the 70 % of stakeholders not yet knowing whether they want to share their data and collaborate with EMODnet Ingestion.

Stakeholders’ knowledge on EMODnet Ingestion and potential to collaborate (©EMODnet data ingestion).