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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Join EMODnet at the European Maritime Day 2024: Registration is now open!

Secure your spot at European Maritime Day 2024, taking place in Svendborg, Denmark, on 30th-31st May 2024. EMODnet will be there with an exhibition booth and co-organising a joint workshop on 2 EC services ‘EMDOnet and the Blue Economy Observatory’ to be held on-site on 31st May late morning.  
Svendborg, Denmark
All plenary sessions will be live-streamed, however on-site participation is recommended for full engagement with the hundreds of marine and maritime stakeholders attending. Register by 10th May 2024: " Register now for the European Maritime Day 2024"


The EC are also hosting the European Blue Forum on 30th May 2024 back-to-back with EMD 2024, with separate registration: " "