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The Manual for the Marine Litter Manager tool is online

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Marine Litter Manager (MLM) is a Python  data  formatting tool for Linux and Windows that has been developed to  generate EMODnet beach litter  and  seafloor  trawlings  litter  formats. This is done following  the EMODnet Chemistry guidelines. EMODnet Chemistry has recently made available the User Manual online through its thematic web portal. The manual enriches the web page dedicated to Marine Litter Manager, where users can also find specific video tutorials, some examples of files and the links to save the tool. The experience gained on the use of MLM during the project called 'International Bottom Trawl Survey in the Mediterranean' (MEDITS) was capitalised in the Manual. In particular, the Manual gives some examples of data file formatting by using the tool as part of this project. While the examples are based on seabed litter data, they also help you understand how Marine Litter Manager can facilitate  formatting beach litter data files.