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Map of the Week – Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions

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This week saw the organisation in Brussels of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. The purpose of this event is [1]:

  • To discuss common challenges for Europe's regions and cities and examine possible solutions by bringing together politicians, decision-makers, experts and practitioners of cohesion policy, as well as stakeholders from business, banking, civil society organisations, academia, the European Union (EU) institutions and the media;
  • To provide a platform for capacity-building, learning and exchange of experience and good practice for those implementing EU cohesion policy and managing its financial instruments;
  • To facilitate cooperation and networking between regions and cities; and
  • To feed into the debate on EU cohesion policy in a wider context, including recent research and views from third countries and international organisations.

The theme of the 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities is ‘Thriving Regions, Stronger Europe’. High-level EU sessions could be watched live online. The event gathered 500 speakers and over 7000 participants. A total of 220 workshops were organised. [2] Side events connected to the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023 are also organised until 9 November 2023.

On this occasion, the Map of the Week focuses on the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)  which brings together around 160 regions from 28 countries. The CPMR organised itself into Geographical Commissions: Atlantic Arc, Balkan and Black Sea, Islands, Inter-mediterranean, Baltic Sea, North Sea. The CPMR works to enhance Europe’s maritime dimension, underlining the importance of an integrated maritime policy, greater regionalisation of the common fisheries policy and a maritime safety system designed to cope with increased shipping traffic.

Wish to know more about CPMR and coastal regions and cities?

  • Explore the Map of the Week;
  • Check out the CPMR website for the latest news on the activities of the six Geographical Commissions of the CPMR  and information on ongoing and completed maritime projects ;
  • Watch the the recordings  of the European Week of Regions and Cities;
  • Learn about the Sea'ties initiative  which aims to facilitate the development of public policies and the implementation of adaptation solutions in coastal cities exposed to sea level rise.


Access the map


The data in this map are provided by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) .




This map shows the member regions of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), which acts towards ensuring the needs and interests of its member regions among the European Union institutions and national governments.