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Map of the Week – EU4Ocean at European Maritime Day

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This week, on 30-31 May 2024, Europe’s maritime community is meeting for the European Maritime Day (EMD) conference at the SIMAC Academy - Svendborg International Maritime Academy in Svendborg (Denmark). As you may have read from our previous Map of the Week, European Maritime Day is the annual European Union meeting point on maritime affairs and sustainable blue growth. It connects policy makers, scientists, industry and society through high-level plenary and thematic sessions, workshops and an exhibition area. 

The EU4Ocean Coalition, which brings together organisations, individuals, young people and schools from all over Europe who work on Ocean Literacy, is organising multiple activities at European Maritime Day. The EU4Ocean Coalition is composed of three communities: the EU4Ocean Platform for organisations (e.g., research institutes, non-governmental organisations, associations, companies), projects, networks, clusters and individuals engaged in Ocean Literacy initiatives, the Youth4Ocean Forum for young people between 16 and 30 and the Network of European Blue Schools. It has seen great growth since its launch in 2020. Explore the Map of the Week to see who they are and what they do!

On 29 May 2024, an EMD side event co-organised by the EU4Ocean Coalition, the Plastic Pirates, and BlueMissionBANOS gathered around 50 people who took part in a collective beach clean-up, met Danish and local Svendborg initiatives and tasted a delicious seaweed snack!

At European Maritime Day itself, on 30 and 31 May, visitors of the EU4Ocean booth at the exhibition are able to 

  • Test their ocean knowledge, explore a research vessel in Virtual Reality and discover the European Atlas of the Seas’ new Blue Economy Challenge game;

  • Engage in a Blue Hunt;

  • Take part in a ‘Meet a Blue Expert’ discussion about inclusion and gender equality in the blue economy;

  • Learn about the Youth4Ocean Forum Mentoring programme and network; and

  • Discover the 2024 EU4Ocean Challenge.

Key highlights on 31 May will be 

  • the workshop “How can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) host and support Ocean Literacy?”; and 

  •  the announcement of the winners of the annual MakeEUBlue Awards during the EMD2024 closing ceremony.

Wish to join the EU4Ocean Coalition and work with its other members on upcoming events and activities? Learn more about the objectives and activities of the EU4Ocean Platform, the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools on the dedicated websites and find out how you can join the EU4Ocean communities. The communities are constantly evolving and growing. Join them and be part of the next update of the map! 


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The data in this map are provided by the EU4Ocean Platform, the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools.


This map shows the members of the three communities of the EU4Ocean Coalition dedicated to Ocean Literacy: the EU4Ocean Platform, the Young Ocean Advocates within the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools.